That's One Way to Put it...

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A school isn't legal, in my opinion. It's practically slavery, keeping children away from their parents and forcing them to learn. For some, it can be worse. They could have a teacher like mine.

Miss. Schulte. Her name is as German as her accent, and it's meaning is perfect. When I was bored once, I searched for the meaning of her name, and what I found was 'medieval mayor'. Well, she is a leader - hence 'mayor'. Then again, not a fair one, but a leader all the same.

Remember that Yoongi guy? He's been moved into my class and sits next to me. Normally I object to people being sat next to me, saying I work better alone, but he's OK. I want to know more about him anyway. So I'm good.

He doesn't talk much in class, only doing so if Miss. Schulte asks him a question directly. Anyone but him does that, she freaks out, asking why they're not participating in her class. But he's OK for some reason. I bet it's bribes. He's got amazing grades too. Definitely bribes.

Right now he looks dead inside. I don't even think he's listening. I'm not listening either, I can't blame him. The way Miss. Schulte teaches is just too boring. I learnt this ages ago anyway, so any random questions she could throw at me won't bother me. So she just drones on, yabbering about Henry VIII even though we're meant to be doing Mathematics.

Lunch seems years away as the clocks just tick away, but it does come eventually. After years of waiting, I along with many other bored students, am released from my prison-like classroom. If I were religious, every time I came out of that damned room I would thank whichever God I worshipped, but I'm not, so I just thank the chefs for making a hot lunch.

While I scoffed down my food, I saw Yoongi walk past. He didn't have any food in his hands and was walking in the wrong direction for the cafeteria, which confused me. Lunch had started less that five minutes ago, meaning he couldn't have eaten already. So before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and poking him on the shoulder.

"Have you eaten already?" I asked, "Because you look hungry..."

For a minute he just stood there, staring at me with the kind of face that says 'you talking to me?'. Then he replied.

"I haven't eaten. And yes, yes I would like some of your food." as he spoke he took a large portion of my food, before smiling and turning away, "Thanks for the grub!"

What the actual fuck? Did he just... Take my food? I thought as I stood there, confused.

I sat back down, eyebrows still creased as I thought about what just happened. He went from completely soulless to happy-go-lucky in 0.0000001 seconds. That's a first.

After finishing my food, I just sat daydreaming. The bell went, and I wandered back to my class. I nearly fell on my chair, flopping like a dead fish.

"You look dead inside," a voice beside me said, and I turned.

"I am, you stole my food."

"Well, that's one way to put it..."

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