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After what had happened that night, Yoongi had hurt his leg. A gash along his thigh had started bleeding. It wasn't too bad, and would heal eventually, but it made him struggle with walking a bit. So I had to help him.

The whole thing had also made him more insecure with where we slept. He started sleeping closer to me, always within an arms reach so he could wake me if there was trouble.

We were starting to trust eachother. I wasn't too fond of him, but knew that, since I'd saved his virginity, he would help me in my time off need.

That time was coming.

My phone was slowly running out of charge. From 30% to 20%, the numbers kept decreasing. I figured I would be fine; Yoongi didn't have a phone and seemed to manage. But, once it had reached 5%, I got a phonecall. All my contacts had been deleted to save space and increase the speed, so the caller was unknown.

Upon answering, I immediately regretted it.

"Honey? I'm so glad you picked up... I've been so worried about yo-"

"Fuck off."

"What's wrong honey? Have you been eating ok? I hope you're just staying at a friends house... If you're on the streets-"

"You'll have sex with another male prostitute? Seduce the new doctor? Huh?"

"What are you talking about? I would never-"

"So you think I've never walked in on you and some stranger? Or heard the groans from your room, even though dad's at work? You really are an idiot."


I hung up before she could talk again, throwing the phone away as I started crying.

I didn't care if it was cracked.

All I could think about was how she'd tried to feign innocence. Acting as though I was telling some awful lie because I wanted attention. How could a mother do that to her child?

Yoongi woke up as I started crying more profusely, my tears wetting the ground around me.

"Hey... Uh.. What's up?" he said, looking worried

"How could she...?"


I pointed at my phone, lying a few metres away.

"Someone broke your phone?"

"No! That was me..."

"Why'd you break your phone?"

"My... My mum called... And tried to get me to come back..."

"Yeah? Well... Um... What did you say?"

"She asked where I was, and that if I was on the streets she'd do something... I cut her off, though, talking about how she fucks different guys every Tuesday..."

"And.. You regret it?"

"No! I meant everything I said! But... She pretended to be innocent, saying I wasn't right... Why would she do to her own daughter..?"

I started crying more, unable to stop as I thought of all the people out there that had happy families and caring mothers, yet here I was with a lier. Yes, I know that some people don't even have mothers, but in this kind of situation you kinda wallow in self-pity.

"Hey... It's OK.." Yoongi said, rubbing my back to comfort me.

Before I knew what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, crying on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Yoongi. You're the first person I've met that hasn't ignored me when I'm upset..."

"Heh... Like you said, what are friends for?"

"Precisely," I said, drying my eyes on my sleeve, "I've never been able to trust someone before. Please don't break my trust... When I give you my time, I'm giving you a portion of my life that I will never get back. Don't make me regret that."

"I won't... Never. You're the first person I've trusted too. I don't give trust away, but I guess there's a first time for everything."

"Yeah... Thank you, Yoongi. Your trust means a lot to me. Because this is the first time someone's told me they trust me too."

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