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Yoongi's POV

Those fucking bastards. They said they'd give me a place to stay, but then threw me out again! Why the hell would you do that?

I was sat in their yard, a sleeping bag covering my eyes when a tap on my shoulder made me look up.

A young girl was stood there. I couldn't see her face, the sun was shining in my eyes, but she was obviously my age. Her clothing was my school's uniform, so I must have seen her somewhere.

She moved slightly, asking me if I was OK. I obviously wasn't, so I answered with spite. Then I saw who it actually was.

The one who offered me food. More I took it, but it's the thought that counts.

We squabbled for a bit, arguing over how bad our lives had been. While she spoke she puffed her cheeks and pouted a lot, which was cute. She was trying to be grumpy with me but was just being cute.

For someone so adorable, she'd been through shit. I'm surprised someone like her would help me in my time of need. But she wasn't much help anyway if she's in the same situation as me like she says. More a pain in the arse. But it's better to have a pain than no-one to talk to I guess. So we ended up walking around, talking. Turns out her name is Y/N L/N. You learn more every day.

I didn't necessarily like her. She was just someone to talk to if I was lonely. But, since I'd got used to being alone, that wasn't often.

So, when she indirectly asked if I could watch her back on the streets, I said yes. She needed a helping hand, and I was willing to nugde her in the right direction.


Yoongi, at first, was really cold towards me. Almost as cold as the sharp wind that started up as night came. I definitely wasn't going home, but I really wished I could get a jumper or coat because that one night was freezing. And I knew if I was going to actually run away, with or without Yoongi, I would have to get something to keep me warm. Yoongi wasn't helping; he was on the other side of the road snuggled in his sleeping bag.

He seemed to sleep like a log, but I couldn't get comfortable. I'd spent a night on the streets, once or twice, but then I had scouted around all day in search of a good place instead of talking with someone I just met and sitting down wherever we happened to be when it got too dark. I was lucky I had had my phone with me, otherwise, I would have been sat there all night unable to sleep.

I played music, loud enough to hear but quiet enough as to not wake anyone sleeping in houses nearby. But I did wake up Yoongi. And I was proud. I wasn't really friends with him; we'd just met earlier that day, but I knew I wasn't especially fond of him. My main memory of him had been when he stole my food. I love my food, and, even if I had been planning to give him some, he just took it without my permission. Which bothered me.

I know, I'm pathetic.

But I don't care what other people think about me. The only person who's opinion matters, to me, is me.

So, until I get on my feet, if Yoongi hates me, I'm just gonna deal with it. When I'm good to go on my own, I'll leave him to his business. I just need a hand up and I'll be good.

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