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"Y/N, the maknae line's going to the cinema tomorrow... You wanna come with?"

"Sure! It sounds fun!"

Jungkook sat across from me, having changed out of his 'nun outfit', with a large grin on his face. I smiled back at him happily.

Yoongi was still staring at me, I could feel his eyes boring holes into my back. So I turned to him, smirking.

"Yoongz, are you gonna carry on just staring at my back or are you gonna join in the conversation?"

"I'm good."


I continued talking with Jungkook Jimin coming over to chat when he learnt I was going with them the next day. Not once did the feeling of being watched leave me, but I carried on.

When lunch came around he doesn't stop looking at me. We ate in complete silence, strangely, enjoying the food.

The whole thing was starting to make me a bit uncomfortable. Even if I was very close to Yoongi, him looking at me like that was weird. So I talked to him about it while everyone else was occupied.

"Uh... Yoongi, want to tell me why you've been eyeing me all day?"

"I wasn't eyeing you."



I decided to drop it. If he didn't want to talk about it then he didn't want to talk about it, simple as. With Yoongi, he has to start the conversation, because otherwise he'll just be stubborn and back out. The ball was in his court.


"Y/N, what film do you wanna see?  There's a lot to choose from and we can't decide."

Jimin called me over Jungkook at the side of him.

"What is there to choose from?"

"There's... On The Beach at Night Alone, that's a romance... And Lucid Dream, that's meant to be good..."

"Lucid Dream sounds great! I saw adverts for it everywhere before Yoongi and I came here and it looked pretty interesting!"


"Lucid Dream it is then!"

Everyone was smiling at me, nodding their heads in approval. Of course, that was except Yoongi. He was still staring at me.


Time flew, and before I knew what was happening it was time to go to the cinema. To dine people, going to a cinema isn't a big thing, but to me, I hadn't been to one since I was about two years old... Meaning it was weird.

I liked it, though.

Just before I left, someone grabbed my wrist. I turned to then, adjusting my coat.


"Yes, Yoongi? Do you wanna come too? I'm sure the boys won't mind."

"You sure?"

"Come on," I hesitated, unsure of whether I should say it out not. I decided I should.

"Come on jagi~"

His grip on my wrist loosened slightly, and he smiled that gummy smile.

"I'm coming 'jagi'~"

I giggled at him, and we caught up to the rest.

"Yoongi's coming?"

"You don't mind, do you? He was being a bit clingy and wanted to come with me..."

"Hey! I wasn't being clingy!"

"I don't mind him coming. The more the merrier!"


"Thanks! Come on jagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~"

"I'm coming! Wait up!"


"I want to sit next to noona..."

"I'm sitting next to her so suck on it."

"Suck on what?"

"Sit the other side of her."

"That means I have to sit next to Jimin!"

"I don't want to sit down next to Yoongi!"

"We're watching a film. So sit down and shut up."

"Quiet. It's starting!"


During the film, I would find at many times that Yoongi would be paying no attention to what we were watching and would just be looking at me. All the way through the film we had our hands intertwined, communicating through a series of squeezes.

After the film, we all ran out into the sunlight, exited and pumped. Jungkook, whether it was out of excitement or just reflex, grabbed my hand and dragged me forward.

Yoongi didn't like that.

He pulled me back, away from the rest and ripping my hand out of Kookie's grip. This didn't bother him, and he ran to Jimin, laughing.

"What was that about? You ripped my arms off..."

"Sorry. I just didn't like him holding your hand."

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