Bad Parenting

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That night was honestly the best night I'd had in a long time. I slept like a log, waking at nearly midday. So did Yoongi.

We'd taken asleep talking, like normal, a while before J-hope came back from his shower.

The moment I woke up, Yoongi seemed to jump up, rolling over to face me. That meant the first thing I saw was his face inches away from mine, smirking.

"Mornin' Dimples. How was your rest?"

"Just wonderful Suga. Yours?"

"Fine and dandy of I do say so myself."

I grinned at him, and he returned the smile, his white teeth gleaming.

"Should we go out? I've got some money left over; we could get some lunch." he said, still grinning.

I nodded, jumping off the bed in a hurry. I didn't need to change my clothes or anything since I only had what I was wearing when I left the house and some other clothes Yoongi had got me with a  bit of money he had previously earned.

The sun was already high in the sky when we went out, and a light breeze blew around us. It was perfect weather, and as a result families and couples galore where taking advantage and going out.

A small diner on the edge of the town we were in had pretty cheap meals, so we went there. Yoongi confessed that since I'd shown up things had looked up, and that he probably wouldn't be sat there, eating a small portion of chips, if it wasn't for my puppy dog eyes.

We shared the food, since we only had enough money for one meal, and chatted about any random thing that popped into our heads. He's s the kind of person you can tell anything to and be sure that he won't tell or judge you, unless you're on his bad side. I was pretty sure I wasn't, so I felt safe telling him about whatever he asked for.

Feeling great, we headed started heading back to our from, planning on spending the remaining day lolling in bed and talking.

Things didn't go to plan.

While walking, I saw a familiar face. Gruff and bald, a man was stomping around on the opposite side of the road, a shall of papers in his grasp. I couldn't see him clearly because Yoongi was in the way, but when I peered closely I immediately knew who he was and what was on those papers.

He was my dad, handing out notices with 'MISSING GIRL' in big red letters, and my photo beneath. 


In an attempt at hiding my face, I started staring at the shops that lined the road, completely forgetting that Yoongi was talking to me.

"Hey, are you listening to me?!" he said, and I turned to him.

"Oh, sorry, it's just-"

"Y/N! There you are, you little brat! You made your fucking more cry!" shouted my dad, beginning to make his way across the road.

"Shit. Yoongi, we need to run."


"Just run. Don't stop until you're inside our room."

With that, I began sprinting, Yoongi not far behind me, and my dad not far behind him.

"What the fuck! You, young man, have kidnapped my daughter! Kidnapper! He's a kidnapper!" screamed my dad, his face red.

People started to look, pointing at its a we ran around, chasing eachother like Tom and Jerry. In all the confusion, someone tripped Yoongi. I presume that they had heard my dad's yelling and believed him; thinking thar Yoongi was trying to kidnap me.

I stopped running and turned back, getting my dad's attention. The crowd that had gathered all saw me and watched as the drama unfolded before them.

"Dad, he's not a kidnapper. He's my friend! Just leave us alone!" I shrieked, and he retaliated by running at me in a full on sprint.

I screamed, turning and charging away as fast as I possibly could. But he was too fast, and after going into a nearby alley in an effort to escape, he pushed me to the floor.

I landed in a muddy puddle, the brown gunk staining my clothes. Before I could see that, he kicked me in the back, making me fall again. A mixture of mud and blood was swimming in my mouth, creating this awful taste. I felt like vomiting, but nothing came.

He continued to kick me, shouting about how I'd made my mum cry. I couldn't see straight, and one I was going to black out sooner or later.

The kicks came to an abrupt halt, but the shouting certainly continued. Someone else was shouting too, and their voice I recognised.


I fumbled around, regaining my sight, looking at Yoongi. He had punched my dad square in the jaw, making him bleed.

I watched the two arguing, which ended with my dad leaving in a strop, before flopping. I was exhausted, and had a good reason to be.

So I let myself black out, knowing I was safe with Yoongi.

TOMORROW. [✔]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن