New Friend

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A/N I'm in sarcastic mood today. So yeah.

Taehyung's POV


What did I do to deserve these people?

They smile at me despite knowing my crime.

They comfort me despite being aware of how little I deserve it.



Kim Taehyung.

The boy that killed his dad.

I don't know what was making me pity him.

He'd killed someone.

But he seemed like he needed pitying. His mental state wasn't good. His physical state was going downhill.

I guess that's why I pitied him.

If I had stayed with my parents, my mind would have died. Exploded.


"Uh.. Taehyung?" I asked as we walked along in silence, Yoongi further ahead, "How are you feeling?"

He looked at me as though it was obvious, and I internally slapped myself for asking such a stupid question. Of course he wasn't OK. He'd just attempted suicide because he'd killed his own dad, who had been sexually harassing his sister.

That's not my definition of OK.

He ended up talking. We settled down, Yoongi one side of me and Taehyung the other, and and started chatting.

It was more me taking to myself at first, but it's the thought that counts.

Yoongi joined in the conversation, and I introduced Taehyung to the chat.

As he grew more comfortable, he appeared more sociable. He'd committed a heinous crime, though, and that was always in the back of my mind. It was clearly on Yoongi mind too, since, when Taehyung shifted closer to me, he put a protective arm around my shoulders.

"I... Earlier, I said that I... Killed... My ' dad'," his words were slow, and he was obviously feeling uncomfortable but was trying to appear more casual. There is no way to 'casually' talk about murdering your dad, though.

"I lied about that. He was my stepdad... A year ago, my real dad died of cancer."

While he spoke, his eyes grew sad. It was apparent that he had loved his real dad.

"It recked my mum. She was devastated. We all were, but she took it the worst. After my ex had nearly died of cancer a few years before, it really hit me hard. My sister, on the other hand, had never been that close with our dad."

"When he died, my sister tried to get our mum to move on. She forced her into a relationship with my now stepdad, trying to make her stop worrying. But the pressure made my mum... Commit..."

A silence hung over us, and I put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"With my mum gone, my stepdad turned to my sister for pleasure. The man he'd once been was gone. It was all a facade to make my mum stay. Now that she was gone, he had no reason to act. So he started abusing my sister. And now, we're here."

I rubbed his back slightly, not knowing what to say.

Yoongi spoke up.

"It must be hard... I'm sorry we can't give you more shelter than a door frame... I kinda dragged this one out of a hell hole."

"You didn't drag me, you got thrown out of a house and I asked if you were OK!" I butted in to correct him.

"Of course, Dimples. My situation isn't sunshine and rainbows, neither was hers, but we manage."

To follow that, Yoongi did this weird shrug, smiling slightly add he did so. I laughed at him, leaning against his shoulder.

Taehyung watched us, a small smile on his face.

Taehyung's POV

These two, they love eachother.

Love is so sweet.

I experienced it once.

But, despite being able to 'crush' on hundreds of people.

You can only love one.

Whether they love you back is the question.

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