Laced - Chapter 60 (Same Mistakes)

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Disclaimer: This was written over 10 years ago, and the author no longer agrees with many of the concepts found in this story. Some of the content will be cringey and/or problematic. Please remember this is entirely fictional and does not represent the author's beliefs.

Twitter: dazzleizzy

Copyright © 2012-2023


Zayn's POV

It's already Tuesday, my birthday. It's my twenty-third birthday, and I could not feel any shittier than I do today.

I haven't talked to Abigail since the day after she dropped the bleach on herself, and it's driving me fucking crazy. I wanted to hold her again, to touch her, to feel her. I wanted to go back to my parent's house, where it was just me and her, and no one else. One on one. Without outside interruptions. Without Caleb, and without fucking Sebastian.

I'd managed to avoid her all week, even though it was driving me crazy. I felt like she wanted space, and so I gave her it.

Either that, or I was just too much of a wimp to go talk to her.

I'd even not gone to any of the meals after that. I just had everything brought to me upstairs, and I'd eat alone. By myself.

I hated it. I hated it so fucking much.

And I was itching to talk to her.

That's it, Zayn. You've given her enough space. Go talk to her, I tell myself.

The thing was, was that I did need to talk to her. And maybe much as it makes me cringe, I needed to apologize. Maybe. I don't know.

I know that if I do, I'll feel better..more relaxed.

We'll get past this, I convince myself, I know we will.

I close my eyes, and exhale deeply. Ok, I will. I'll go talk to her.

What's the worst that can happen, right? Everything will be okay.

Little did I know, nothing would turn out the way I'd hoped for it to be.


Amber's POV

When my eyes caught sight of him, my stomach turned. It was wrong, so wrong to feel this way about Niall. The only thing I was supposed to feel towards him was love - pure, unconditional, irrevocable love - but I couldn't help but feel dread as I made my way over to him.

His back was to me, and he couldn't see me.

He'd been avoiding me for too long, and I can't take it anymore.

The entire security room was deserted except for Niall, who sat in a chair, slumped forward in front of the large camera screens.

When I take a few steps closer, I noticed that his head was rested on his arms, and that he was asleep.

Poor baby, I thought. He must be so tired.

"Niall?" I speak softly, shaking his shoulder. "Niall? Wake up, babe."

He lets out a soft groan, and his eyes flutter open. "Mmm?"

"Niall, let's go back to your room. You need to rest."

He shakes his head, closing his eyes. "No...can't. I have to...keep watch." His voice is slow and thick with sleep.

I sigh, and then tenderly brush a stray hair out of his eyes. Turning around at a noise, I see that a security guard has walked in on us.

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