Laced - Chapter 55 (A Moment of Truth)

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Disclaimer: This was written over 10 years ago, and the author no longer agrees with many of the concepts found in this story. Some of the content will be cringey and/or problematic. Please remember this is entirely fictional and does not represent the author's beliefs.

Twitter: dazzleizzy

Copyright © 2012-2023


Abby's POV

A drunken couple stumbled past us as we passed by a club, whose music was bursting through the walls. Master Zayn tightened his grip around me, his arm pulling me closer to him as we walked passed them.

The smell of cheap alcohol polluted the air around us, and I scrunched up my nose. My eyes kept searching for a certain someone that I was almost positive was not here, but I couldn't help myself. My brother.

I didn't exactly know what I would do if I even saw him. Would I run up to him? Would I hug him? Would I tell him how angry I was at him, because he left me all alone like that?

A sudden anger clouds my vision, and I find myself feeling hatred towards Sebastian. He was completely and utterly selfish for leaving me like that, alone and just barely a child.

I'm so overwhelmed by this frustration at him, that Zayn had to shake me before I realized I had to respond to him.

"Abigail, you have to tell me what's going on. There's something on your mind, and I need to know." He demands, stopping at the corner of an intersection.

I shake my head, looking away. "I really don't want to talk about it." I wanted to have fun, to just relax, to enjoy my time with him alone out in the City, but Sebastian was consuming my every last thought.

"Why not, Abby? I thought we moved forward this weekend. I thought we were having better communication between us? Tell me. What's bothering you?"

Biting down on the inside of my cheek, I had to think quick. I was always a terrible liar, so I made sure to not look him in the eyes when I spoke. "I was just thinking about your brother, and you."

He visibly relaxed when he heard my words, and let out a sigh. "What are you thinking of?"

"The mansion," I start, trying to come up with any type of question. "You said that you and Caleb lived there together until he turned eighteen, right?"

"That's correct, but I don't see where this is going." As he said that, he took hold of my hand, checked the street for cars, and then stepped forward to cross it.

I had to move my legs faster to match his quick pace, and then continued to talk. "Okay, but back on the night of the party, he was lost, and I had to lead him to the bathrooms. He didn't know where anything was. Why?"

"What were you doing then, anyways?" Master Zayn asks as he finishes crossing the street and steps on to the new sidewalk. "You were supposed to be in your room." There's a new edge to his voice.

I quickly brush off his worries with an explanation. "I just had to get ibuprofen. I had a headache, bumped into him in the hallway, and then showed him to the bathrooms and returned to my room."

"Oh." His voice is calm, and he swallows before answering my question. "That's because when he left, I completely remodeled and added a new section to the mansion."

"Oh." That made so much more sense now.

"What else are you thinking of? I can tell that's not it - at least not all of it."

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