Laced - Chapter 29 (Preparations)

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Disclaimer: This was written over 10 years ago, and the author no longer agrees with many of the concepts found in this story. Some of the content will be cringey and/or problematic. Please remember this is entirely fictional and does not represent the author's beliefs.

Twitter: dazzleizzy

Copyright © 2012-2022


Abby's POV

I wrapped my arms around a box, testing it before I shifted its weight to fully support it. I turned around, heading back to the kitchen from the delivery truck. Since Niall had announced the New Years' Celebratory Sing-Off, everything revolved around preparing for the huge party. And from what I'd seen so far, it's going to be huge, and expensive. As I set down the box onto one of the stainless steel tables in the kitchen, I wondered why Master would spend so much money on all of his slaves, to celebrate. For all I could guess, he didn't have to do anything. We could be treated like trash, but instead, Master Zayn treated us mostly with kindness. He spent money on a party for his slaves.

Dani, who was stationed at the rows of tables along with a few others, cut open the box with the edge of a box cutter, and began to empty its contents and unpack it. Kitty and Eleanor were teamed up to take the unpacked items from the tables and to place them in the pantry and refrigerators - wherever they belonged.

He had to have some kind of ulterior motive, right? No slave owner would ever do this.

I turned around again, heading back to the back door of the kitchen to grab more boxes from the delivery truck. Outdoor were two guards posted, watching our every move, making sure we were doing exactly as told, and not trying to escape or participate in any sort of funny business. It was tedious work- carrying boxes and bags of food back and forth, but we were stocking up for the big party.

The December air was crisp and cool, the wind hitting my face as I walked over to the huge delivery truck. I wrapped my arms around a sack of flour, holding it against me as I struggled to bring it inside.

"Need help?"

I turned around to face soft blue-green eyes, a girl that that stood several inches shorter than I. I gave her a small smile, nodding. "Sure."

She grabbed one side of the heavy sack of flour, and I the other. I began moving backwards, heading back into the kitchen and she followed, only walking forwards. We shared the weight equally, and I couldn't help but feel grateful towards her as she took literally half the weight of this heavy bag.

When we finally set the bag onto an empty table, I clapped my hands, sending flour flying in all directions. The girl giggled, and I smiled at her. "I've seen you around quite a bit, but I guess we never talked?" I started, hoping to not sound too awkward.

She nodded shyly, and spoke. "Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm quite the introvert. I usually tend to keep to myself."

I brushed off her apology, walking back to the doors again to get more supplies from the delivery truck. She quickly fell in step with my pace, and I looked at her before talking again. "It's alright! I never got your name, by the way?"


"Elle." I repeated, to keep the name in my memory. "Elle. It's a beautiful name."

"Thanks - and you're Abby. But of course, everyone knows the newbies." She gave me a small smile. "You're quite a popular topic when it comes to gossip between us lower slaves."

I did a double take. "Gossip?"

She nodded. her hair bobbing up and down. "It's crazy. So much gossip. But I tend to stay away from it, it gets really annoying, you know?"

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