Chapter 14 - *Quietly Eating Breakfast* OH MAI GOD SO MANY VOICES

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She barked twice.

Nice.  Ok, is Aura with you?

She barked twice, but it was slow.

Why isn't she connected with me?  Is she ok?

She barked once.

Aura isn't ok?  What's wrong?  Is she hurt?!


Oh no....

I stood up quickly, though they obviously couldn't see me.  Fear filled my mind. she...dead...?

She barked twice very slowly then whimpered.

Oh my God...Aura's...dead...?

' WHAT?! '

' OhmyGod ohmyGod ohmyGod.... '

Scheisse.... '

' Well, frick.  That'ssssss not good at all....  Oh God.... '

spark, are you in any sort of position that you can bring her back to the castle?

She whimpered slightly and quietly barked once.

Scheisse indeed, ilbarker....  Crap....

I started pacing the Grand Hall.  Lemme just start with this since you all are clearly in distress of some sort.  ilbarker, what's going on?

' We fought Herobrine and lost horribly, so he separated us.  I landed in a forest nearly dead.  Jerome found me  He then told me his situation and now I'm in his house in a bacca village.  Mitch and Kirby are imprisoned and under heavy guard here because of being human and...uh...puffball?  I just need help in knowing how to deal with the baccas so they don't murder me or anyone else. '

I'm guessing because you had wings that they didn't quite consider you human....  How much do they trust you?

' Not really sure....  I did some acting in showing pure hatred towards humans and the doc bac seemed to believe it.  Jerome even said he would've believed it if he hadn't known I was acting! '

I snickered.  Doc bac?  Seriously?

' Don't judge, I was panicking!  You know how I am when it comes to doctors! '

I know, I know.  What you're doing so far is good.  Keep the act up.  Baccas seem to connect with people who hate humans like they do much faster.  If you can, find some way to go see Mitch and Kirby.  Oh, and can you let me know if Kirby is ok?  Please?

' Will do! '

Good.  Stay connected.  I wanna see if we can get an idea of how to bring you guys back together.  Kit?  Known?  What's up with you guys?

' I'ma go ahead and guess that ilbarker already told you how we got separated.'s also kinda my fault.... '

Known groaned.  ' Kit, stop, we went over this.... '


' Don't worry about it. '

' Sorry....  Anyways, we apparently landed near Sub's location and he found us and took us in, helping us heal.  We're still relatively beat up, but we're getting better.  Ashley definitely got the bulk of the damage, though.... '


' I think it's someone from your The Day series.  That's my only guess.  Anyways, we're not in any trouble.  Everything where we are is good.  No one's in trouble.  Sub and his wife are cool with letting us stay as long as we need to, but honestly, the moment we can fly, I want us to go help the others. '

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...Finale....حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن