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Brendon was sitting next to his best friend in his brother's car on the way to school. Him and Sage had to listen to Drew and Sophia bicker at each other the whole car ride. They both looked at each other like they wanted to kill themselves.

Drew and Sophia bicker at each other about everything the last couple days. Brendon tells Drew to end things with her, but Drew is still using Sophia for sex.

" Why do you have to be like that?" Sophia argues.

" You're the one that likes me. End it if you don't like me." Drew disputes. And for some odd reason, today's bickering has been hands down the worst. Brendon rolls his eyes. He just wants to get to school, which he didn't think he would ever say.

He's glad Drew picked up Sage or he didn't know what he would do.

Drew eventually pulls into the school parking lot and parks his car. Brendon and Sage quickly grab their school bags and get out of the car. They walk into the school together. Sage looks at Brendon with disbelief all over her face.

" Do they yell at each other like that every day?" Sage asks.

" Yes. And today was worse than usual." Brendon says.

" I feel so bad for you." Sage says as the two enter the school. Brendon shrugs his shoulders.

" I keep telling him to end it, but he's not." Brendon says.

" Why does he even stick with her? She's ugly." Sage says. The two walk to their normal table in the cafeteria.

" Why do you think they're still together?" Brendon asks. Cause it's pretty obvious why the two are still together.

" I'm not sure if I want to answer that." Sage says. Brendon rolls his eyes as the friends sit down next to each other.

" But you see what I have to deal with everyday?" Brendon asks.

" Yeah, sorry I'm never around for that." Sage says.

" It's not your fault, DJ never picks you up. It's technically DJ's fault." Brendon says. He shakes his head," I still can't think that you like him. It's so weird."

" Sorry I can't control my feelings." Sage says crossing her arms. As the two friends were talking, the guy who talked to Drew that one time, Ryan, comes up to Brendon.

" Hi Brendon." Ryan says. Brendon smiles at him. Brendon only met him once, but he enjoyed his company.

" Hi Ryan. How are you?" Brendon says.

" I'm doing okay. Is it cool if I sit?" Ryan says mentioning towards the empty chair next to Brendon.

" Yeah, go a head." Brendon says. Ryan sits down next to Brendon.

" You know I really like your hair." Ryan compliments towards Brendon's blue hair. Brendon felt a blush creep onto his face.

" Thanks, I just got it done." Brendon says running his hand through his newly colored hair.

" Yeah, I really enjoy it. Blue is a nice color on you." Ryan says.

" Thank you." Brendon says. Sage narrows her eyes at Ryan. There has to be something on his mind.

" So, why did you come over here?" Sage asks.

" I actually had to ask Brendon something before school started." Ryan says.

" And that would be?" Brendon asks.

" I was just wondering if you would like to get some ice cream later today, like after our practices." Ryan says. Brendon had to hold back his blush. Why is he asking him this?

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