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" Where the hell is your father? We're going to be late if he doesn't get out here soon." Niall says.

Niall was getting antsy sitting in the car with his two sons waiting for Liam to come out of the house. The Payne boys were on their way to Niall's second ultrasound, but they had to pick up Liam at the Tomlinson household. And of course Liam was running late.

" Didn't you text him we were on our way?" Drew asks from the passenger seat next to Niall.

" Of course I did. I even texted him we're here. I'm not a dick about telling when I'm on my way." Niall says. Niall looks at the time on the radio. He let out an angry groan.

" Can one of you two boys go get him?" Niall asks.

" Nose goes!" Drew yells and proceeds to put his finger on his nose. Brendon lets out an angry sigh and looks at Drew.

" I hate when you do that. It's not fair." Brendon says opening the car door.

" Deal with it loser." Drew says. Brendon rolls his eyes and closes the car door. He walks to the Tomlinson's front door and rings the doorbell. Niall looks at Drew.

" You know how I feel when you call Brendon rude things." Niall says. Drew looks at Niall.

" I know you hate it, but that's just what brothers do dad. I'm sure you did that with Uncle Greg when you were our age." Drew says.

" We grew out of it. He would only call me rude things when we were children. By high school, both of us got along." Niall says. Drew rolls his eyes.

Brendon comes back to the car with Liam following behind. Brendon opens the car door and slips into the car. Liam walks around the car and gets in himself. Liam closes the door and Niall starts to drive to the hospital.

" Hi Ni." Liam says.

" You were late coming out." Niall says, ignoring Liam's hello.

" I'm sorry. Louis was talking to me and wouldn't shut up. And you know how he can talk and talk." Liam says.

" Sound like Louis though." Niall says. Liam lets out a laugh and looks at Drew in the passenger seat.

" Hi DJ." Liam says. Drew looks at Niall, because he didn't want to talk to Liam, and Niall nods his head. Drew lets out a sigh.

" Hello pa." Drew says.

" How are you doing? Everything good with football?" Liam asks.

" I could be better. I could have a dad who wouldn't cheat on my other dad, but I guess that can't happen." Drew says.

" DJ, I'm-"

" Don't start lying to me. I won't listen." Drew says.

" Drew James, papa is still your papa, and you treat him with respect." Niall says.

" Like he did to you? Good one dad, good one." Drew says.

" DJ, I never meant to hurt your dad. It was a mistake on my part." Liam says.

" Yeah, I know, you fucking dickhead." Drew says.

Before Niall could yell at him, Brendon quickly tapped Drew's shoulder and whispered in his ear," DJ, you know how you feel about arguing. Don't hurt yourself."

Drew lets out a sigh and quiets down. Brendon was right. Drew did need to calm down because he couldn't get himself worked up over something he hated doing. Drew was glad Brendon was around to see his mistakes.

" Sorry dad. Sorry pa." Drew says looking down at his feet. Niall looks at Liam in the rearview mirror and Liam shrugs his shoulders at him. Both parents were confused to where this apology came from.

Harmonize | niam au sequel |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant