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From Ry Baby 😍 to Brendon 💅🏻:

You free today??

Brendon looks down at his phone. He was watching the telly with his papa towards the evening when all of a sudden he got a text from Ryan. Why would Ryan need him now?

" Papa, am I free today?" Brendon asks. Drew and Niall went out to do something that Brendon didn't care for, so it was just Liam and Brendon home. Brendon usually asks Niall for permission to go out somewhere, but Liam was the only one home. And Zayn was doing whatever he was doing, because once again, it was something Brendon didn't care for.

" Why are you asking me? You should know your own schedule." Liam says.

" Well because I think Ryan wants to hang out. I just want to know if our family is doing anything." Brendon says. Liam tries to hide his smile because he knows what's going on today.

" I don't think we're doing anything today. So go a head and hang with him." Liam says. Brendon nods his head and answers Ryan's text.

To Ry Baby 😍 from Brendon 💅🏻:

I'm free today

" Papa, where did dad go?" Brendon asks. Liam wasn't paying attention to him.

" Hm?" Liam asks. Brendon looks down at his phone again to see a message from Ryan.

From Ry Baby 😍 to Brendon 💅🏻:

I'm on my way over

Brendon rolls his eyes and looks at his papa.

" What were we talking about?" Brendon asks.

" I don't remember." Liam says. Brendon lets out a laugh.

The garage door opens and the family members shuffle into the room.

" Brendon, if you're in your pajamas you better go change!" Niall yells once he steps into the house. Niall and Drew walk over to Liam and Brendon.

" Why do I have to change?" Brendon asks. Drew rolls his eyes.

" We're going to dinner." Drew mumbles. Brendon and Liam look at each other.

" But dad, I just said Ryan can come over." Brendon says, looking back at Niall.

" I guess it's too late then. Tell him another time." Niall says. Liam looks at him weird.

" But wait, Ni, doesn't he have to-"

" Liam, just shut your mouth for like, one second." Niall says. Liam quiets down and Brendon looks at his family members weird.

" But dad, I can't just cancel on him." Brendon says.

" I just think you can." Drew says, making fun of how Brendon uses the word 'just' a lot. Niall gives him a dirty look and smacks the back of his head. Drew frowns and rubs the back of his head.

" Brendon, go get dressed and then we'll go out. Maybe Ryan can come with us." Niall says. Brendon lets out a groan and stands up from the couch. He walks upstairs and to his room to find an outfit. Drew looks at his dad's.

" Did I really have to be a part of Ryan's stupid plan?" Drew asks.

" DJ, shut up and just be glad you're doing something good for your brother." Niall says. Brendon walks down the stairs in a different outfit.

" Is this better for you dad?" Brendon asks.

" Much better." Niall says," Let's go boys."

Liam stands up from the couch and he gets his shoes along with Brendon. Niall and Drew were waiting by the front door. Liam met up with them and Brendon looks at them weird.

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