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Sage was waiting by Brendon's locker while Brendon got whatever he needed out of his locker. Brendon had to get ready for band practice and Sage had to get ready for cheer practice. The two always got ready for their practices at the same time.

" I have French homework, English homework, and math homework." Brendon says out loud to himself.

" Brendon, stop talking to yourself." Sage says. Brendon looks at Sage offended.

" I'm just trying to figure out what homework I have." Brendon says.

" You're so weird." Sage says.

" Thanks Sage, I try." Brendon says. He puts his homework in his backpack and closes it up. He closes his locker and looks at his friend.

" Ready?" Brendon asks.

" Hell yeah." Sage says. The two friends walk off to the bathrooms. Brendon walks in the boys bathroom and Sage walks into the girls bathroom. Brendon walks into the biggest stall and starts changing his outfit. Once he switches outfits, he walks out of the bathroom stall. He looks at himself in the mirror to fix his hair and then walks out of the bathroom. He stood outside the bathrooms waiting for Sage to come out. He looked at his phone and scrolled through Twitter.

" Practice is gonna be hell today." One of Sage's cheer friends say coming out of the bathroom.

" Oh I know. It's gonna be rough." Sage says. Sage sees Brendon and looks at her friend." I'll see you at practice."

" Okay. Bye Sage." Her friend says and walks off. Sage walks toward Brendon.

" Ready to go?" Sage asks. Brendon shoves his phone in his pocket.

" Yeah." Brendon says. The two walk off together in the direction of their practices. Brendon had to practice in the band room first because football had the field. After football was over, marching band got the field. Sage just had practice in the gym.

The friends stood in an area where it was easy for both of them to go to practice. As they were talking about their day, Drew comes up to them with a couple of his football buddies. Drew looks at Brendon and hands him a bag, obviously that came from their house. Brendon looks at Drew confused.

" What are you trying to show me?" Brendon asks.

" Dad told me to give this to you. It's food you dumb shit." Drew says.

" Well, tell him I don't want it." Brendon says," And besides, I can't eat before I play an instrument."

" Just take it. It'll make him happy." Drew says.

" Give it to your friends. I don't want it." Brendon says.

" But you need it." Drew says. Drew may seem like a dick to Brendon sometimes, but he still cares. Drew knows Brendon tries to starve himself and he wants to help him.

" I don't need it. Just give it to your stupid friends and leave me alone." Brendon says. Brendon turns to Sage," I'm going to practice. Bye Sage."

Brendon storms to the band room. Sage and Drew look at each other.

" Can you try and talk to him?" Drew asks.

" I've tried, nothing works." Sage says. Yeah, and Sage knows about Brendon's anorexia. Well, so does his parents but he doesn't think they know.

Drew lets out a sigh and shakes his head." I don't know what I'm going to do with him."

" Maybe show him you actually care for him." Sage says. Drew shakes his head.

" I don't know." Drew says," I'm heading off to practice, so bye Sage." Drew walks away with his friends following. Sage shakes her head and walks off to practice herself.

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