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" Drew James Payne, it is time to get up." Niall scolds as he storms into Drew's and Brendon's shared room.

Of course, Drew didn't budge.

And Niall wasn't about to deal with his bullshit.

Niall storms to Drew's bed and ripped his sheets off. Drew still didn't budge. All he did was search for his missing blankets still trying to sleep. Niall rolls his eyes and grabs Drew's ear.

That woke him up real quick.

Drew looks at Niall with pain," Ow!"

" I told you to get up." Niall says.

" I'm sorry, I was trying to enjoy my sleep." Drew says. Niall pulls on Drew's ear. Drew let out a squeak of pain.

" Dad, stop please." Drew cries. Niall lets go of Drew's ear.

" Then listen to me next time. When I say it's time to get up, you get up." Niall says. Drew looks at the time on his phone. The time read 8:30. Drew looks at Niall with disapproval on his face.

" Why did you wake me up at 8:30? I sleep in until noon!" Drew complains.

" Lani is here and we're going out to have breakfast. So, I needed you up." Niall says. Drew lets out a groan.

" Don't start groaning at me, young man. You need to listen to me today." Niall says. Drew rolls his eyes.

" I'll try." Drew says. Niall checks the time on his phone.

" Now be dressed and ready downstairs in five minutes." Niall says. Drew drops his mouth in shock.

" Five minutes? I can't get ready in five minutes." Drew says. Niall looks at his oldest son.

" Then you should've been up earlier." Niall says. He walks out of the room, leaving Drew alone. Drew shakes his head, angry at his dad.

" How the fuck does my family wake up so damn early." Drew mumbles to himself as he walks to his dresser. He pulls out a random outfit and throws it on his body. He grabs his phone and walks out of the room. He quickly walks downstairs and to the bathroom to brush his hair.

" DJ you better hurry up! We're leaving!" Niall calls. Drew quickly brushed his hair, having no time to style it, and ran to the garage door. He quickly slipped his shoes on and ran to the car in the garage. He gets in the car with an impatient family waiting for him.

" Fucking finally." Brendon mumbles under his breath as Niall pulls out of the driveway and onto the street. Liam turns around in his seat and looks at him.

" Hey, don't say the f word." Liam scolds. Drew silently giggled at his brother. Brendon rolls his eyes.

" DJ gets to say it all the time." Brendon says, obviously trying to get Drew in trouble. Drew gives Brendon an evil eye. Liam looks at Drew.

" You stop using that word too." Liam scolds. Drew rolls his eyes.

" Brendon, you're a piece of shit." Drew says.

" Takes one to know one." Brendon comes back.

Drew was about to say something, but before he could, Niall stops the two brothers from arguing," Boys knock it off or I'm taking your phone away and force you outside."

" Brendon started it though! He likes to blame me for shit I don't even do!" Drew says. Brendon looks at him in disbelief.

" Bitch, you say fuck all the time!" Brendon says.

" Brendon Alexander, knock the unnecessary swearing off!" Niall scolds. Brendon rolls his eyes as Drew smirks at him. Niall looks at Drew in the rearview mirror," As for you Drew, you need to stop swearing and telling on your brother too." Drew rolls his eyes.

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