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" Boys! Hurry up! I'm leaving without you if you're not down here in 2 minutes!" Niall calls as he places a hand on his 13 week stomach. He was waiting for his two children to come downstairs so they could go to his mother's house. Maura wanted to see her grandchildren so Niall was taking them to see her.

Brendon strolls down the stairs. Niall looks at his youngest.

" Where's DJ? My mum is gonna kick my arse if I'm not there." Niall says. It was true, Maura was going to kick his ass if he wasn't there soon.

" He's coming, don't worry dad." Brendon says.

" Just get your shoes on." Niall says pointing to the shoes. Brendon walks to the shoes as Drew walks down the stairs.

" Fucking finally! Let's go boys!" Niall says. He pushes Drew to the shoes.

Drew casually slips his shoes on," Calm down dad. Grandma likes us so she won't be mad at us if we're late."

Neither Brendon nor Drew wanted to go to Maura's house, but they had to because Niall was going to make them.

" Yeah, but she'll be mad at me. So lets get to it." Niall says. He pushes the boys out of the house and into the garage. They walk to the car sitting in the driveway and get in. Niall gets in the passenger seat and starts the car. He pulls out of the driveway and starts driving on the street. He starts driving to his mum's house.

" Why does she even want to see us?" Drew asks. Brendon plugs in his headphones knowing the car ride was going to be a long one. Niall looks at Drew sitting in the passenger seat.

" Because she hasn't seen you in a while and she wants to see you. She misses her grandbabies." Niall says.

" And are you going to tell her about having another grandbaby?" Drew asks. Niall rolls his eyes.

" She's going to know just by looking at me. So I have a lot of explaining to do." Niall says. Niall's phone starts ringing. Niall picks it up and hands it to Drew," DJ, can you answer it please?"

Drew answers the phone. He listens to the other person speaking and nods his head.

" Hello to you too grandma." Drew says laughing a bit. Niall rolls his eyes. Of course it has to be his mother.

" Dad is driving so yes, we are on our way." Drew says. Drew smiles.

" Okay, see you soon grandma. I love you too. Bye." Drew says. He hangs up the phone and places it in the cup holder.

" What did grandma want?" Niall asks.

" She wanted to know if we were on our way yet." Drew says," And does she really talk to you like that?"

" Only when I'm in trouble." Niall says. Which he probably will be when he sees his mother.

" Damn, no wonder why she's my favorite grandma. She don't put up with your bullshit!" Drew says. Niall sends him a deadly glare. Of course Drew would like her for that.

About an hour and a half into the drive, Brendon was asleep in the backseat and Drew was lazily scrolling through his phone. Niall was trying to stay awake by quietly singing along to the radio.

Niall woke up more when his phone made a sound indicating he has a text message.

" DJ, can you see who texted me?" Niall asks. Drew nods his head as he grabs Niall's phone. Drew furrows his eyebrows as he saw who texted him.

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