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Brendon and Sage were lying around the den of Sage's house. The two were scrolling through Netflix, wanting to watch a movie but not deciding on anything.

" What about this?" Sage asks. Brendon looks at the telly screen. He shakes his head. Sage lets out a sigh and continues to scroll.

" We're not getting anywhere." Brendon says.

" Then let me just pick something to just play so we can talk during it." Sage says. Brendon lets out a groan.

" Fine." Brendon says. Sage chooses a random cartoon movie made for kids and Sage looks at Brendon.

" So how is your sister?" Sage asks.

" She's good. She's going home tonight." Brendon says.

" And you're spending time with me." Sage says.

" Yeah, cause I actually like spending time with you. And besides, I love Lani, don't get me wrong, but every time she's over my papa just acts weird. It's weird." Brendon says.

" Uncle Li doesn't get to see her often. I would act weird too." Sage says.

" I know my dad was okay with her and everything, but I'd be fucking pissed. My papa was being a hoe and my dad was okay with it." Brendon says. Sage shrug her shoulders, because she actually knows what happened. Her dad's explained to her why Lani was only a half sister and how. Sage guessed Niall and Liam never told their sons.

" You'll have to see from both sides of the story." Sage says. Brendon shrugs his shoulders.

" So how is your life going?" Brendon asks.

" It's going. My dad is making me get a hair cut later this week." Sage says. Brendon frowns.

" But I love your long curly hair." Brendon says.

" I know, I do too and so does my papa. But my dad insists I get a haircut to keep it healthy." Sage says.

" I'm gonna tell your dad he's a butthole." Brendon says.

" Thanks Brendon! Heard that!" Louis calls from downstairs in the living room. Sage looks at her best friend.

" You know how thin the walls are here." Sage says. Brendon lets out a sigh.

" Yeah, yeah, I know." Brendon says. He opens his Snapchat and the camera goes on his face. He looks at his ugly hair color and then remembered he wanted his friend's opinion on his hair color.

" Sage, I have a question to ask you." Brendon says. Sage lets out an irritated sigh.

" Stop telling me you have a question and just ask me the question." Sage says. Brendon rolls his eyes and then looks at his best friend.

" I want to change my hair color and I don't know what color I should do. Should I go blue, lavender, or pink?" Brendon says. Sage looks at him weird.

" Why do you want to change your hair color?" Sage asks. Why would he want to change his hair color all of a sudden, she thought.

" I don't know but I'm tired of brown." Brendon says shrugging his shoulders." So what color do you think I should dye it?"

" I'm not sure. Blue might look good on you, but I can also see pink look good on you too." Sage says.

" So, no lavender?" Brendon asks. Sage shakes her head.

As the two friends were talking about Brendon's hair color, Harry couldn't help but eavesdrop on the two. The walls were that thin where Harry could just stand in the kitchen and hear the two's conversation even if they were talking quietly. Harry looks at his husband.

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