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Drew and Brendon were on the way to the hospital to visit Melody. Liam and Niall were already there, so the brothers were going to meet up with their parents. Melody has been in the NICU for about a month and a half now. The parents told the brothers she has done major improvement, but the boys would like to see themselves. And they haven't seen their sister for a while.

Drew parks the car in the hospital parking lot. The boys get out and start walking towards the hospital. They walk to the NICU part of the hospital. They went and looked for Melody's room. Before they walked in, they washed their hands.

They walked into the room to see their parents just staring and admiring the small infant. Melody looked a lot better the last time the brothers came to see her. She didn't have as many wires and tubes connected to her.

" Hi dad. Hi pa." Drew says. The parents turn to the boys. They both smile.

" Hi boys." Liam says.

" How's Melody?" Brendon asks.

" She's doing fantastic. She doesn't need as many tubes, which is great." Niall says.

" And Charlotte says that we may be able to take her home sometime next week." Liam says.

" That's actually awesome. I think we all want her to come home." Drew says.

" Come say hello to your sister. I think she wants to see you." Niall says. The brothers walk up to the cot for Melody. Melody was already moving her legs in excitement when they walked up.

" Hi Melody. DJ here. Just wanted to say hello." Drew says.

" Brendon is here too Melody. I love you." Brendon says. Melody lets out a coo. The family's hearts melt. They're so glad to see Melody acting like a regular baby.

Charlotte walks up to the family," I've been informed that we can try something out today. Would you boys like to try and hold Melody?"

" Yes." All four boys say at the same time. Charlotte lets out a laugh.

" Alright, sounds good. We'll start with you Niall." Charlotte says. She walks over to Melody's cot. She carefully picks up Melody. Melody let out a noise, but relaxed when she was safely in Charlotte's arms. Charlotte hands Melody to Niall. Niall carefully holds Melody in his arms. Tears gathered in his eyes.

" Oh, hello princess." Niall quietly says. As Niall was holding her, Charlotte was taking notice how Melody was doing in the arms of others. Melody was definitely improving.

Niall never wanted to let Melody go.

" Dad, can I hold her?" Drew asks.

" Yeah, I want to hold her too." Brendon says.

" Of course boys. Come here then." Niall says. The brothers stand closer to Niall. Niall carefully places Melody in Drew's arms. He tells him how to cradle the head.

Drew stares down at his sister in awe. He was at a loss of words. He knew from here he was going to do everything he can to protect her. As he was looking at her, a small smile forms on her face.

" Dad, pa, she's smiling." Drew says. The parents nods their head.

" She must love her older brother." Liam says.

" My turn now DJ." Brendon says. Drew hands Melody to Brendon. Niall tells Brendon how to cradle the head.

Brendon also stares down at his sister in awe. He knew they were gonna grow close. Brendon would also do anything to protect Melody.

" I love you Melody." Brendon says. Melody let out some coos. Brendon's heart melted.

" Alright Liam, you get to hold her last, but then I have to put her back in her cot." Charlotte says. Liam takes Melody out of Brendon's arms.

" That's fine by me." Liam says. Liam held Melody in his arms, but could tell she was getting fussy. He lets out a sigh. He hands Melody back to Charlotte. Charlotte puts Melody back in the cot. She looks at the family.

" I'm going to do some tests on her now. You're welcome to stay." Charlotte says. She starts examining Melody. The parents look at the boys.

" You boys should head on home and get started on your homework." Niall says.

" What are the dinner plans?" Drew asks.

" We'll be home for dinner." Liam says. The brothers nod their heads. They say their goodbyes and they walk out of the room. Outside of Melody's room, Matt and his uncle were standing there. Brendon let out a squeal and ran to Matt. Brendon throws his arms around Matt.

" What are you doing here?" Brendon asks, releasing from the hug.

" I know we can't see Melody, but I wanted to see you, so here I am." Matt says. Uncle Jace clears his throat. Matt rolls his eyes.

" My Uncle Jace drove us here." Matt says.

" Hello Brendon." Uncle Jace says. Brendon gives him a small smile.

" Hi Uncle Jace." Brendon shyly says.

" Please just call me Jace." Jace says. He mentions to Drew," Now who is this?"

Drew just stared at Jace with a disgusted look on his face. He knew this man from somewhere, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He did not like the way Jace was staring at both him and Brendon.

Brendon was about to speak until Drew cut him off, " I'm DJ, Brendon's big brother."

Jace sticks his hand out for a handshake, " It's nice to meet you."

Drew ignores his handshake. He looks at Brendon.

" I think it's time for us to go." Drew says. Brendon looked at him strange and then caught onto the hint.

" I think that's a good idea. Matt, would you like to join?" Brendon says.

" He's not going anywhere without me." Jace says. Matt rolls his eyes.

" Uncle Jace, you're not my parent. We've been through this. I can hang out with friends if I want to and you're not controlling me." Matt says.

" Then I'll tell your mum about all the dumb shit you do." Jace says.

" Dude, Jace, can you not read signs? We don't need you here anymore. Leave. Matt'll be home later." Drew says. Jace gives Drew a dirty look. Brendon and Matt hid behind Drew, not liking what could happen next.

" I'd stand down boy. You don't know what I'm capable of." Jace threatens. Drew rolls his eyes.

" Whatever. Lets go boys." Drew says. He starts to walk out with Brendon and Matt following. He leads the boys to the car. The three of them get in and Drew starts the car. He starts driving back home.

" What the hell is your uncle's problem?" Brendon asks.

" I'm not sure, but there's a reason why he's not my favorite uncle. Sorry he did that to you DJ." Matt says.

" Nah, don't worry about it. But there was something about him that set me off." Drew says.

" What do you mean?" Brendon asks.

" I feel like I've met him before, but I'm not sure where. I don't know." Drew says.

" Eh, don't worry about it. He's a jackarse anyway." Matt says.

And with that, Drew drove the three of them back to the Payne household. Then they hung around and waited for Niall and Liam to come back home.


Hey y'all !! I hate when I'm not creative!

Man, college has been so weird tho. I can't believe it's almost October. I swear September lasted like a week. I also never know what day it is.

Also, I can't believe that I've hit chapter fifty! It's so insane to see that I've come this far! I'm so happy! Thank you guys for this amazing journey! It's insane.

I don't think I have anything else to say so I'll just wrap it up.

Thank you guys so much for reading. You guys are the reason to why I could even make it to chapter fifty. I love you all and I appreciate everyone who is reading.


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