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" DJ. Wake up."

Drew sits up in bed, sleep still in his eyes. He tries to focus on who the fuck woke him up. He looks to see his dad standing by his bed.

" What?" Drew mumbles.

" Get up for school." Niall says. Niall starts picking up dirty clothes on the ground. Drew lets out a sigh. He wipes the sleep out of his eyes and stands up. He walks to his dresser and pulls out a random outfit. He slips it on and walks out of his room.

He walks downstairs and to the kitchen. He looks at Brendon who was still eating breakfast.

" Are you ready?" Drew asks.

" No. I still have to brush my teeth and my hair." Brendon says. Drew lets out a sigh. He walks to his and Brendon's bathroom. He brushes through his hair and brushes his teeth.

From the kitchen, he heard Melody scream," No!"

Drew chuckles. Melody is in a phase where she doesn't want anything. It's rough for the family.

Drew finishes up in the bathroom as Brendon walks in. Drew walks back to the kitchen where Liam was trying to feed Melody. Melody was not having it though. She sat in her high chair with an angry look on her face.

" Oh Melody, there's no reason to be this grumpy." Drew says. Melody looks at him still with her angry look. And Drew did not like that look. Drew raises his hands in defense and looks at Liam.

" Good luck with her pa." Drew says. He walks out of the kitchen and to his shoes by the garage door entrance. He slips on his shoes.

" Brendon, are you ready yet?" Drew calls. Brendon walks next to Drew and starts slipping on his own shoes.

" Yeah." Brendon says. They grab their backpacks and slip them on.

" Dad! We're leaving!" Drew calls.

" Okay! Love you!" Niall calls back. Drew and Brendon walk out of the door. They walk to Drew's car. They get in and Drew starts the car. Drew pulls out of the driveway and starts to drive to the Tomlinson's house.

Once at the Tomlinson's, Drew parks on the street and waits for Sage to come running out. Sage comes running out and slides into the back with Brendon.

" Hi guys." Sage says with a huge smile.

" What's with the smile?" Brendon asks.

" I'm just happy to be with my best friend and boyfriend. Is that wrong?" Sage says.

" Nope, it's not." Brendon says. Drew starts driving to school.

" You know, I feel bad for your brothers. Why don't we drive them to school?" Brendon says.

" They can take the bus. I had to suffer, so they can suffer." Sage says.

" You only took the bus for like a month and then DJ drove you." Brendon points out.

" Okay maybe they can ride with us but it depends on DJ." Sage says.

" I wouldn't mind it. You guys live in the same house so it's fine with me." Drew says.

" I'll let them know then for next time." Sage says. Drew pulls into the school's parking lot. He parks the car and the three get out of the car.

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