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Liam gets to the pub and parks the car in a parking spot. He stops the car and looks at his friend and husband.

" Ready?" Liam asks. Niall gets out of the car without even answering him and Zayn nods his head. The other two get out of the car as Niall starts walking into the pub. Zayn walks next to Liam.

" What's wrong with Niall?" Zayn asks.

" I'm not really sure." Liam says. The two walk into the pub and see Niall was already sitting at the bar. They walk over to him and Liam sits down next to Niall and Zayn sits next to Liam. Liam turns to Zayn as he slips his hand, the one closer to Niall, through Niall's hand. Niall smiles a small smile as the two boys hands were laced together.

" So, what did you want to talk to us about?" Liam asks. Zayn let's out a deep sigh.

" I just wanted to let you guys know, that I'm in a rough patch in my life. My husband, he-" And that was when Zayn started to break down in tears. Neither Liam nor Niall was expecting Zayn to break down just like that. Liam starts rubbing Zayn's back in comfort.

" It's okay Zee, you don't have to tell us right away." Liam says. Zayn wipes his tears away.

" I have to though." Zayn says. Before he could go, the bartender shows up.

" Can I get you boys anything?" He asks.

" I'll just have a beer please." Liam says.

" Me too." Zayn says, wiping more tears away. The bartender looks at Niall.

" And what about you sir?" He asks.

" I'll just have water." Niall says. The bartender nods his head and walks away. Liam looks at Niall weird.

" Why just water? You always have a margarita." Liam asks.

" I don't feel good today Li." Niall says. Liam nods his head and looks back at Zayn.

" Are you okay now?" Liam asks. Zayn nods his head.

" My husband, he's been sexually abusing our children when I'm gone for work." Zayn says, more tears springing into his eyes. Liam's and Niall's mouth drop in shock. How could a man do that to his own children?

" Oh my god, Zayn, that's awful." Liam says. Zayn nods his head.

" When did you find out?" Niall asks. More tears escaped Zayn's eyes.

" A couple days ago. I was off of work and I decided to give Lucia and Lucas a bath. As I was trying to take Lucia's clothes off to put her in the bath, she refused to let me. I know she's very shy, because she takes after me, but she allows me to help her in the bath. This time she wouldn't let me. I looked at Lucas already sitting in the bathtub to see bruises all over his body. I proceeded to ask him where he got all the bruises. He started to cry and told me daddy hurt them. That's when I knew I had to get my kids out of this situation. I got them into bed and confronted my husband that night and he told me words I don't want to repeat.The next morning, I packed mine and my kids bags and we left. I didn't know where to go, but Liam, you were the first person that came to mind. I had to find you." Zayn says, breaking down at the end. Niall and Liam felt bad for Zayn. Zayn just wanted the best for his kids, and they ended up hurt.

" Zee, I'm so sorry this had to happen. You're always welcomed in our home." Liam says. Niall nods his head in agreement with Liam. Niall was sexually abused by his last boyfriend and it wasn't fun for him. Niall immediately went to Liam for comfort after that experience. He understands where Zayn and his family are coming from.

Zayn wipes his tears away," Thank you so much. Once I get more money to stabilize us, I'll find us an apartment or something."

" Nonsense. Stay with us as long as you want." Liam says.

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