Chapter 33: Another Trystine.

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But what's the use, they will come after me as soon as my high school get's over, even if I try to bargain with Jyaya he would most certainly have his way to get me back at Millensh my ancestral home and there they will put a crown on my head, but I'm not ready for all that, I don't think I'm capable enough to inherit such a huge amount of wealth, cause then comes responsibility. Jyaya will make sure I also get involved with the family business, Millenrai Shipping's most certainly needs my talent, but mostly I'm not ready for that, I don't want to go back home.

Lost in my thoughts, I missed to hear a call from somebody; as soon as I checked the number I was shocked, it was Sid who finally decided to call me. I called back in as I stirred the hot chocolate left, after a few seconds he picked up the call.

"Hey Kiwi, Sorry to disturb you..... Have you been sleeping" asked Sid as I couldn't help but notice his serious tone.

"No, I was just about to prepare myself for bed, is everything alright you sound a tad bit of serious"

"Well, it's not that much important, but it certainly holds some clue of your father", hearing that I jerked up, all the sleep drained out of my system, I was now tensed and got myself involved in the conversation.

"What is it Sid, have you got any news?" I asked back, I was anxious and most probably angry because I wanted to meet that bastard terribly.

"You remember when you said that the call that your uncle had was from London, apparently with the help of my friends and trackers we found out that there was indeed a business conference held in the Lotus hotel at the same date on which your step uncle got a call and apparently many business personalities came, so it was really difficult to track down the call but_"

"But what Sid!" I was now really agitated to hear the truth.

"The call that your uncle got was from the reception of the 15th floor of the hotel, the whole floor was apparently booked by the name 'Trystine Industries' the owner is James Trystine, I'm sure you heard the name before, but he was not alone there. There were various people from his company that accompanied him, various heads and his selected team of employees were present at that time, so most probably it can be anyone, it's hard to tell."

"Did you check the security cameras?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes I did, but the person who called your uncle was quite in luck, checking the maintenance bills and the past records of the hotel, I found out that the time period when the conference was held clashed with the time of the security maintenance hour, the security cameras of 15th and 16th floor of the hotel was under maintenance so there was no clue."

My head was buzzing with various thoughts, somehow knowing the truth of the person who called my Step Uncle made me grow restless, again I was so close to find the truth and yet so far away, I guess I need to try harder.

"Did your friend question the staff of the hotel maybe someone could know about it?"

"I know you are anxious Kiwi, but listen up you really need to relax right now, take some deep breaths.....I'm personally going to come down the States and will question Mr James Trystine himself. I have met him two or three times before due to my dad's business meetings. He is really a humble person and I'm sure when he will hear your story, he will definitely going to be the first one to help you out" said Sid persuasively.

But how one can stay so calm, when they know the exact location of the person that they were looking for. I really need to go out of my ways to meet Mr James Trystine myself, before I lose my chances of finding my father.

"That's really good to hear Sid, I'm all excited to meet you soon! So when are you coming?" I questioned.

"I will be leaving for the flight the day after tomorrow, you can expect me in next three days and trust me Kiwi, I'm the one whom you should meet right now, cause trust me decisions taken in haste never really helped anybody and also I'm getting desperate to meet my best friend anxiously" added Sid cheekily.

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