Chapter 37: I can kill for you.

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One Life,

One soul,

One brain,

One Heart,

One Human,


Heart Beating,

You say for being 'Alive' that's all what you need,

But who will see the pain,

The games the life is playing,

Dark thoughts lingering in that Brain, which can give anything just to forget,

A Soul who wants nothing more than peace,

Yet it Longs for the unrequited,

A Stabbed heart of Emotions,

Prickling the needles as if it's a Devil's play,

A Human, with a Shattered soul, an uncontrolled brain, a pierced heart void of Emotions that's sinful enough,

You call it a human,

But it is a walking talking Chaos,

You call it being alive,

But all you can take is that painful breaths,

You want to forget, you want to forgive, you want to move on.

Is it simpler?

So you cry,

And why not, it's far more better than those unnerving drugs you take,

Numbness that's what you seek,

Why you cry is not the question you seek,

Does it work is the question you should search for,

Nevertheless you do it,

And for that mere second,

You're empty,

You gained what you seek,

You got your divergence,

The emptiness you get in the end is somehow peaceful,

But it ate your heart until there was no heart left in that soul.

Are you content enough with your loss?

-Trishala. A .

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