Chapter 8: A sword...

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shining sword

_Ashley Somebody


CLING! The swords collide and the two souls started fighting their match of life.

How cliché it sounds...but it's not what it looks.

We are fighting here for our pride, for our honour after all the Royal emblems of these two contenders were at bait.

It's been two rounds and let me tell you I Kiara Matheli Millenrai is failing in this sword fight as Rayansh mercilessly hitting me with sword there are several cuts on my body right now...blood gushing out from some of them I am half panting half breathing I am so dead....wish I could say all that ;)

But no I am not going to lose and die me being hit by Rayansh is true and the cuts and blood is all true but me losing I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon

Let me tell you how I reached to this situation.....

As decided Sid, Rayansh and I gathered at my house fighting chamber......yes we do have a fighting chamber nothing much to brag about it.

So yes we gathered out there and Sid being the judge and according to the tradition he made the contract ready and collected the royal emblems from us.

He explained us the rules.... the match would be fought in rounds there will be five rounds and the one winning the most rounds will be the winner.

"Okay guys so the match will begin soon but a very important instruction is yet to be mentioned.." Sid glanced at Rayansh "You guys have to only disarm one another no need to kill, behead or whatever people do in sword fight....remember only to disarm"

"Okay guys take the swords" Sid glanced at the swords out kept ready for us to fight.

And seriously I am not joking I am feeling like a f****** soldier I am wearing a heavy armour more than my weight plus the turban which is on my head saving my long jet black hair from this gruesome fight which is going to happen.

Eventually Rayansh had not left any opportunity to tell me how pathetic I look in this armour.

He also had worn armour similar to mine but he held it with confidence not like me looking like a dead rat.

"Back off Kiara...I swear I don't want to hurt you ... back off before it's late" Rayansh gave me a final warning...he seriously thinks I am going to lose well I know odds are not in my favour but to give up is being a coward which I am not eventually my pride came first before my brain can react....

Bloody hell....I wish I wouldn't had this royal blood it would be so easy to back off.

"Back off.... No never! I'm the heir to Millenrai's throne and I have taken a vow breaking it means disrespecting my throne my family I won't back off" I glared at Rayansh how dare he thinks he will convince me to back off.

As if understanding the tensed situation Sid intervened.

"Okay you two stop bickering....and held out your swords it's about time" Sid glanced at the watch and stated "Okay Three....." He held out his hand counting


To which Rayansh removed out his sword and took the form of his attacking spree.... Being an observer I guess is going to help me in this match because I very well know he is going to be the first to start the attack.....He is in the impression that I don't know how to fight and wants to end things fast....

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