Chapter 32: A call from home.

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Above song: Something just like this.



He's the epitome of mystery

A mystery that takes a lifetime to solve

You'd be busy with his elegant puzzles

As he entertains with his clumsy clues

And at times, solving him would be tiring

Yet you know giving up would be a waste

So when you finally do solve him

You'd know that it was worth it.

He loved being a mystery.
Just because of the simple fact, that we don't know his history.

A mystery nobody wants to decipher,

Cloaked in shadow and words,

In experience and hurt.

A riddle with no clear cipher.

~ source:



Four large pizzas' and six kinds of juices were the gigantic order currently I have been serving to a beast named Zenith that boy eats like a freaking starve.

It's been already closing time of Zoe's Pizza corner but Zenith is still there stuffing his last piece of cheesy pizza. At one point I thought that maybe he is taking just a sheer pleasure in irritating the lights out of me. Cause every time I bought his order to him, he used to have some of the sarcastic comments on his sharp tongue.

For example: He ordered an English breakfast in the middle of the evening and asked me to teach him the etiquettes, me being a responsible employee taught that imbecile boy some table manners, even though I was sure that Zenith got explicit table manners then me, yet he is playing the card as if he doesn't know.

"Okay so you got to hold, the fork on your left hand and the knife on your right, now do this and cut the food into half-" I was explaining him, by helping him to cut his food, but Zenith being Zenith instead of being a good student and learning, he was more interested in my clothes.

"I would rather prefer if you do me" winked Zenith, "tell me honestly Kiara. Don't you find me attractive, I know you can't live without me" teased Zenith, but I smashed the fork hard on the food and replied, "No personal questions Sir and please stop bothering me" I almost said irritated.

"Fine, you're such a bore, besides bring me the bill. I guess I'll call this as a night, after all I got to come back tomorrow" smirked Zenith evilly, as I couldn't help but grope my bangs of hair in frustration, I felt like bloody ripping them off my scalp. He frustrated me.

It was already, late at night when I left the Pizza Corner, sadly today Eigen was not with me to accompany me back to my apartment, all because of that monster named Zenith, he purposely made my services last longer than requisite and I just can't think about him coming to my workplace every day. But indeed aside from all of the troubles he made me go through he left a whooping amount of tip that is fifty dollars, that's the highest I got till now.

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