Chapter 6: An Oath to keep...

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A powerful consent to the notch of oath;

Every mouth that says it must obey the heart,

Else he be bound by the fetters of his tongue,

For allowing his lips to carelessly part!


_This is my favourite chapter by far so enjoy!__________________________


As soon as I was out of my room my stomach growled!

Indeed before party I need to stuff up my tummy because if i don't it will soon start crying like a baby so instead of going towards the party i went to the kitchen aka Royal kitchen.

There again! people were staring at me.

I mean i am definitely sure that i was not covered in some white powder again so why staring!

"Ahemmmm..mmm..mmm", Beside me someone cleared their throat in order to gain my attention.

I tilted my head towards the sound and saw the Royal chef looking at me with surprise and even somewhat curious.

"Have you lost your way again Miss Millenrai?" really have i lost it again? i guess no !

"Nope RC.... I am here with some special purpose!",I gave him a sheepish smile "RC ?"He replied looking somewhat more confused

"Yes RC as in 'Royal Chef'!"I replied grinning at him now if I notice this Chef Man is really a chubby person

I really think that instead of making food he does the work of eating it.

He is actually really round just like a fluffy round loaf of bread talking about bread i feel myself more hungry.

"Actually I am really hungry RC.... so I came here looking for some food "I replied him honestly but as soon as i told him I was looking for some food his face suddenly burst out with happiness ,a smile was plastered on his lips and he rubbed his both hands together as if he is really excited about it seriously his reaction really made me a little scared though!

"Ahh...Food I have came to the right place Miss we can make you anything you like.... just you name any dish and I will specially make that dish for you at this very instant"

Now i realised he is happy because i talked about food and he likes to make food so may be that's why he reacted like that!

"Aaa...nope you don't have to make me something special just some snacks will do..."talking to him my eye's trailed towards the counter of the kitchen there I caught the sight of a plate full of spring rolls and suddenly i felt more hungry so I ran towards them.

"Wow! Spring rolls good...! RC if you don't mind I am taking these spring rolls" on cue i left the kitchen with plate full of spring rolls and went straight to my room.

After finishing my ravishing snack I viewed the empty plate and wished if i could eat more.

They were delicious!

I mean seriously whoever made this spring rolls should definitely get a noble prize they were so lip smashingly delicious

Suddenly i realised that I am late for the party! Crap I was so lost in the world of spring rolls that I didn't realised that the party would have been started.

So I hurried myself and walked down stairs, i can hear the sound of some mild music playing in the background with people dancing while some chatting with one another in groups with drinks in their hands I guess party already started nice... Now I will make my grand entry.

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