Chapter 2: Friends?

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                          WHEN THE LIMO BREAKS DOWN.~~



I woke up at the jolt of my alarm clock, it was 6.00 am and my morning lectures starts at 7.00.

I hurried myself, grabbing my faded pair of blue jeans and black T-shirt, I worn a grey hoodie over it cause it was still cold outside, after doing my morning chores I ran towards my college, it was 6.45 am, so I still got 15 minutes around to reach my next lecture.

But all my wishes were in vain because there was a huge queue for the breakfast in the canteen and I was late so I had to skip my breakfast, eventually like a normal person I would have been sad about skipping my morning meal, but it was kind of a habit of mine to skip my first meal of the day as I'm not an early riser.

Walking away from the canteen I went to my first lecture of the day 'Physics' one of the most hated subjects of students, personally I don't hate physics but I feel physics hates me in some way or the other. I always try to understand the subject, but I just can't apply its applications in problems.

So here I'm sitting on the last bench of my class all alone, I do sometimes feel jealous and envious of those Barbie girls in my class who always have a lot of friends around them. Honestly nothing is wrong with me, I mean I'm also just a girl like them only, just cause I don't apply makeup or smile randomly at strangers doesn't mean I'm more or less then them.

But honestly speaking this kind of life I can't live, I keep people away from me for a reason, you can assume that I got some trust issues, it's not like that I haven't tried making friends before but I always end up being alone .

People always look vile to me and now I don't have that much strength to let my heart get broken again so I chose to be alone, that's why I chose to look a little bit intimidating and currently it's working pretty good for me.

So basically no girl will ever think to have an eyebrow piercing or to have a weird aubry tattoo on her hand.The tattoo is probably hideous, if I put my hand in a certain angle because I don't want myself to get interrogated by my pupils.

I was currently making a Pokémon doodle on my desk being lost in my own world that I didn't noticed someone standing in front of me.

"Hey Kiara, can I sit beside you, my seat is already taken by Rocky" asked Rahul one of my classmates that I have seen around in two or three of my classes.

Rahul was a pretty decent guy in our class; he always had this charming smile on his face and always the first one to help anyone, but today was different today he looked nervous.

And I exactly knew the reason behind his nervousness, being an intimidating personality has its own pros and cons, being intimidating can get me a good seat in cafeteria cause no one dares to talk to me, I pretty much hold up to my reputation as people knows about my anger issues.

For a second I glared at him and by the looks on his face I'm pretty sure that I have scared the living shits out of him. Yes I got one hell of a glare.

And the fact that Rocky has taken his seat, I felt a pang of pity on him so I allowed him to sit right next to me.

"Okay, you can sit beside me for a day, but don't let it be your habit of being around me, because I won't flinch while punching you" I said that in a cold manner to which Rahul gulped hard.

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