Chapter 14: Zoom....Zoom here I go...

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 And if you feel you're sinking,

I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you  

-Cold Water 


I let all go free, I walked away from the path I was destined to, and the path which was yet so predictable, yet so mysterious, yet so weary for open minds, I walked away from the throne.....

And I guess that's my destiny, to find the person who ruined my mother's life, who ruined my life.... And as revenge I will destroy his......

For Revenge is a pure ecstasy in life, it makes you muddled in your own labyrinth of conception.

And with that determination to start my new life, a new phase, I walked ahead...

After the house meeting, it was declared that the princess to be exiled for a while....and the affair of the matter which amused me the most is that , they thought my mental condition is not stable, that's why I took that harsh decision.

I was walking out of my house with one hand on my suitcase and another on my jacket...

I stood there to face the door; I can't believe I am finally free...

But it would be tough, eventually I cared less....

And in the evening Breeze, I swept across the wind, with the thought of never returning back.....

My flight has arrived tickets on my hand, and a suitcase on another.

Five boys staring at me, with teary eyes.

And in my case I smiled at them vividly, because I'm content with whatever happening in my life.

Finally something fortunate is happening in my life.

"Why are you smiling Kiwi, you would be gone now" Sid sniffled making a loud noise with his handkerchief.

I sighed at his behaviour and hugged him.

"Come on Chickoo shine up, I'm not going away forever, it's just a year and if you still continue crying than..." I stared at his chocolate brown eyes, they always had some kind of attachment to me, they were very expressive and off course it's Sid we are talking about he was born to express ;)

Which was why, he was trying to do a puppy dog doe eyes and failing in it pathetically.

My mouth twitched as I tried suppressing my smile, controlling to myself by making any sarcastic reply,

"You know what Sid, I really, really... really don't f****** care, I'm happy and I'm going "

And the boys laughed at Sid's miserable condition.

"Yeah pretty boy stop blackmailing Kiara let her go, bye Kiara we will miss you", Said Rahul coming forward and hugging the life out of me.

Rocky gave me a half smirk by oh so rudely commenting me to find some hot chics for him there, which received him a flipping bird from my side.

Denil gave me hug too, not before mentioning,

" I don't know Kiara whether you decided or not but just in case if you are in need of a job, I hope you going to contact my friend, the card which I gave you"

I smiled feeling warmed at his concern.

And finally receiving a Silent Nod from Anthony.

I left my old life, in order to build a new.

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