Chapter 19: Elite High

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~I will not stay silent so that you can stay comfortable~



I was not born to do right or wrong,

I was not born to do make things work by themselves,

Neither I was born to be a slave, a bystander,

I was born to have my voice, to speak what my heart desires,

Cause today standing in front of thousands of people,

I realised what I'm, no matter what they say, no matter what they do.

My every ounce of blood running through my veins said only one thing....

I'm a Queen and its my right to be.



By far this is one of my favourite* chapter so enjoy ;)


First day of my high school senior year in Elite High and my actual journey just felt like yesterday when I was eating sandwiches with Rahul or messing around with Principal by Rocky, Denil and Anthony by my side, but I guess those days were over and I'm going to be introduced to new people around here.

The worst thing that I dread in my life after Sid's role playing game is to have an actual 'Small Talk'

I usually call it the 'it talk' cause that's what most people around tends to do nowadays, I'm not against it, I mean it is cool to have something to talk with new people around, inorder to break the ice in the conversation or rather than I call it as the act of being approachable which I hardly give any interest, I mean are people so dumb nowadays that they will judge someone's character by the way they have a small talk or how they smile at you.

For the fucking sake it's my face and my mouth, if I don't want to smile at you I won't, if I don't want to talk to you I won't, there is no forcing in between.

I mean it doesn't even make sense to smile just to make the other person happy rather then caring about my own likings, society doesn't really understand it that some people don't really like to be approached, everyone has their own anxieties, you just can't go around talking to some random strangers as if you are their long lost friends.

Most people I met they always told me 'Kiara you are so cold!'

'Kiara why don't you smile often'

Kiara why don't you talk loudly'

Kiara why don't you try doing small talk'

I'm like 'Why don't you freaking die laughing at your own small talks, stupid judge mentalist!

I mean seriously, I tried..... I tried smiling...... I tried having small talks.....I freaking Google about it for days, but it doesn't feel right.

Something inside me tells that it's alright to be different, it's alright to not have to change yourself', I never actually liked the idea of faking being happy and to smile at some random strangers, it's really cool to have an extroverted personality you know like happy go lucky kind of nature, but it can't be made, Life is not always rainbows and ponies, if you can't then you can't!

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