Chapter 11: Camouflage me!

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Is it a sin to love someone,

To care for them,

To cherish every movement lived with them,

What happens when they leave you then?

Well,as the saying goes 'world doesn't ends there'

For whatever bad things they have left with you,

For whatever harms they caused you,

There is always this faith,

For me she was my sin 


For her I was her soul.

-By Trishala.A.

Dedicated to her sister.


Sid my childhood best friend was standing in front of my door giving me his gummy smiles.

But something was ailing about him; I can see that his smile doesn't reach his eyes..... Something was off about him...But I ignored the fact.

"Sid! What the hell are you doing here" I asked him really shocked with his sudden visit.

"Oww...Kiwi you really hurt me here" he placed his hand on his stomach.

"Dumbo your heart is on your chest not on your stomach" I laughed at him trying my best not to laugh at his dramatic behaviour.

"Oh! Sorry my bad" he held out his tongue before continuing "Happy birthday Kiwi ! Come here" Sid flaunted out his hands wild open for me...but my brain was paused to process all this.....ha?!....birthday? And mine....

Don't tell me I forgot my birthday! Ow...freak Indeed can I forgot my birthday.

"Uhm... Yeah my birthday...I-A thank you!" I smiled at him sheepishly and went forward to hug him

We hugged each other but before letting go Sid whispered in my ears...

"We may have not met for years...Kiwi but I never forgot your birthday...and the thing which astonish me the most is that, what happened to that little girl who always gets excited for her birthday a week ago well in advance?"

However simple the words Sid had used to talk, I found a hint of sadness hidden behind it....he knew I forgot my birthday and still he is denying the fact...

I gave him an assuring smile not before glancing up and down his body, he was wearing a suit...definitely my birthday was not a big affair to wear that.

Something was really fishy..... And the fact that Sid hasn't moved a step out of the door confirmed my suspicions....

"Ok I know you are all excited and all but not Today Sid....Today is my last day in SC Louis and I want to attend it normally without any drama so buzz off"

I said that by grabbing my bag along with me slopping myself out the door, but the thing infuriated me the most was when Sid was standing like a freaking Statue in my way..

"That was really cold of you Kiwi" he pouted, but no, nope and never those puppy eyes and pouts are going to stop me to attend my last day in this college. I had already made up my mind that I am going to attend these lectures today.

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