Chapter 1: BEGINNING....

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Why it feels so dark here,
I can smell only blood,
Even the sky is painted Red,
For I can only see red snowflakes,
I see a weary hope,
But it's not so strong enough,
To hold me tight,
For I always feel cold.

By_ Trishala.A



(This part of the story is a small sneak peek to the future of the story)

It was raining like never before, the clouds were all grey and one can hear the blisters of thunder, most of the people were enjoying the newly arrived rains, but here I'm running as if my life depends on it.

I used to consider my life to be normal and fun loving, but I guess I was wrong.

I have learned it in a hard way that Life isn't always fair.

In my current situation everything was fine with me, except I was all wet head to toe, I was hyperventilating; running madly, like someone has just retired from the metal asylum and not to mention my puffy red eyes as I was crying my eyes out, because the last fifteen minutes made my life turn upside down.

Life is playing funny games with me, I always wanted to be a normal girl, to live my life on my own choice, but in my circumstances I was never the one. I was never meant to be normal.

Thanks to my parents, but here I was struggling to endure the truth about my real father and I often ask myself, what sins have I created to have such a complex lifestyle. Why can't I have a normal family who can at least love me? That was the simple question that I was asking myself now on regular basis.

But the truth is, I always wanted to learn more about my father because I despised him the most, but after knowing who he is, didn't get along well with me.

Knowing the first name itself of my father resulted the panic attack, the shock that caused by the aftermath of my doings had left me broken, so here I was running because I don't want to face it, let it be my escape, I didn't cared! it was my chip running away from reality.

I don't know how long it's been since I was running because the voices behind me had already faded long time back.

To the question, yes I was being chased by some people and may be one of them would be the person I know, but I don't care, I was just running because currently it seems the best solution.

After sometime I gave up and stopped dead in my tracks, standing right in the middle of the road in the chilling winds of November nights, still shaking, my mind was occupied with different thoughts, questions, reasons which is cataclysmic in my situation itself as these thoughts were colliding and were triggering my second stage of panic attack.

As a result I couldn't see anything easily, everything was a 'blur' and at that current stage my mind said only one word 'DIE'.

And then everything happened so fast! I felt something hard hit the back of my body, resulting in me falling freely ahead on the road, I fell straight on my hand, giving a nasty crack sound and my head collided with the wet ground giving an excruciating pain on my head, my body was rolling until I was stopped and then I saw two bright lights a few feet away where I was standing seconds ago.

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