Chapter 28: Kidnapped

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*Above song: Imagine Dragons- Demons


Their thoughts

Kiara: Does he know that sometimes even keeping a low profile, can be seen by some as being arrogant.

Zenith: A women that realises her worth is a dangerous women. She was insane, yet mischievous, sometimes I do wonder that God created her to be explicitly mine.


I was a deer caught in red lights; fate is so cruel with me, who would have thought that I would encounter the mysterious Zenith himself in the middle of the night, that too in such a vehement place.

He was bemused himself for a good second, but then he realised that indeed it was me who have graced him with my presence, but he not my prime concern at this moment, it was the malicious gun that he was holding made me feel alarming in his presence.

A High school boy, not more than eighteen years old, currently found out in the middle of the night, at an old junkyard and that to found cleaning a gun in his hands surely raised some suspicious.

But the malicious smirk he was holding on his face, as he assessed my cold figure that was shivering in the winter cold really made me obnoxious.

As if cold never bothers him anyway, he was dressed up in a casual sleek blue navy jeans and a black v neck shirt, which deliciously hugged his assets, not that I mind of.

"Feisty one aren't you Kiara, roaming alone in the middle of the night, really you got some guts out there Princess" he continued staring at me as he stood up from the corroded car he was sitting moments ago.

"I-I was actually on a stroll" I whispered silently as I couldn't help but maintain an eye contact with those fiery grey eyes.

"Do I look like a fool too you!" Scowled Zenith as he stood right in front of me towering me with his intimidating figure.

He held my chin up with his gun, as he stared deep in my eyes.

"You are profusely sweating, you're taking deep breaths that indicates only two possibilities, either you're running away from someone or rather you're jogging, I'm guessing latter one won't be the case" he reads me so well, times like this really makes me wonder who is Zenith after all.

"Look, you know I'm least bit interested in discussing my problems with you right now Zenith also I got a school tomorrow to attend, so Let's just end this here and behave as if we ever met " I continued walking away from him after ranting out these words, mentally praying that he won't notice how practically scared I was of him and the gun he is holding.

"Why in such a hurry princess, did you think I will let you go all so easily, after all you saw my friend Mr Gun why don't we have a little chat with him" he grabbed my hand as he laughed viscously.

Screw him! I wish he could be some dumb moron, my sheer luck that he was a smart ass.

He tucked his gun behind his jeans as he poked his index finger right between my heads as he said

"You saw nothing, am I clear" he was totally unbelievable but I agreed with him.

"Can I go home now" I argued with him, currently I was more than sleepy, I guess the effects of the drug were not over yet.

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