Chapter 39: Prince and his muse.

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What makes you tick,

What pumps the fury inside your veins,

What makes you see all red,

I have many names, I have many ways,

To show you something as strong as hate,

I wasn't there, but what made you so insane to create something so ferocious,

My name is Anger and I succumb a human's emotion,

I'm like those broken glasses,

That is tinge with your blood,

You smashed it with your very own hands,

You did it with your own consent,

Yet many say I was the intermediate of your vain,

Time is money,

Time is work,

Time never stops,

Yet you dare to control it,

You lose, Cause I already have a control of your brain,

Fucker, Bitch, Whore, bimbo I have many names, that you call upon when you're provoked,

I reside in every human,

I peel their soul’s each apart,

Which leaves back nothing but a hollow space,

Being cheated, being robbed, being harassed, being kicked, nothing stops me creating myself.

You cry, you scream, you cut, you punch, you kill, you hurt.

I'm created by those broken promises,

As you’ll be punished for the fetters of your tongue

For allowing them carelessly part.

I'm a demon looming over you like a shadow,

Ready to pounce on, when you lose your control,

I'm the word which is one letter short of Danger,

You can't hate me, you can't stop me,

Because remember to make a single emotion of Anger, there are thousands of emotions behind it, which made it one of the most ultimate passion.

-Trishala. A .

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