Chapter 38: The Plan.

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Her Limit

A woman is the one, who is clothed in strength and dignity,

Her eyes which radiant her confidence,

A walk she does which makes you remember her elegance,

Her innocent face is there for a reason,

Because she feels the emotions that most of the men doesn't,

Her strength is her voice,

Her strength is to make peace,

And with this strength she questions your existence,

Who are you to question her character?

Who are you to criticize her for her preference?

Who are you to stop her from pursuing her dreams?

She may be a mess,

She may be a little nervous,

But that doesn't mean she is weak,

For once define weak oh wise one's,

Having balls is enough to be strong?

So why are we even here?

Just to be a baby making machine,

Why are you even giving us the chance of education?

In the end we are criticized everywhere,

Be it college, be it office,

Women are not safe even at their so called haven named home,

Parents are worried when the Girl's turn twenty,

Hold on, take a deep breath and ponder,

What's wrong, are you feeling ashamed,

Read ahead, because this isn't the end,

Eve-teasing, Molestation, Rape, Dowry, female infanticide,

They aren't just names; this is the world you've created,

Take a stand and speak,

And make sure that when you speak no one should dare to stop you again, make it effective, make it worth it,

Remember the day she wakes up from her canonical lumber,

Will be the day you'll be burned by her glory,

Underestimate her once, but don't do it twice,

Cause hell she has the power to destroy your very own existence,

A Maverick Girl's Tale. [C♂mpl£t£d✔️💯]Where stories live. Discover now