Chapter 30: Unexpected visit.

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*Above song : Alone by Alan Walker


I do love him,

I do agree that I fell for him hard,

I always wondered how it feels to love somebody,

With my every breath I take apart,

And when its finally happening I'm scared,

I miss him,

I miss our small talks.

It wasn't a love at first sight,

For me it was a love at first talk,

He doesn't knows it,

That he have captivated my heart,

I may think,

It would be just an attraction,

May be he is not the one,

Why I'm being so stupid,

But I know him,

And I know he is the one.

But does he too,

Misses me the way I do,

Does he too,

Wants to find the reasons to talk to me,

But he doesn't and that's what made him my crush.

For he crushed my heart.

~Trishala . A.



Aditi and Chris glared at the snoring figure of Zenith with their dark eyes, I was damn sure that if looks could kill, Zenith would be ten feet under grave. Apparently Aditi came to my place to hang out with me as it was a weekend and Chris was actually here to drop by a parcel that I forgot in the Zoe's Pizza corner, when I went for the job interview, it seems that Eigen was quite busy himself, so his good friend Christopher Trystine decided to drop by, but yet they caught me in a wrong situation and that to with a wrong person.

"Trust me Kiara, you should probably step aside and let me handle this vile grey eyed creature, somebody got to understand his position and not to mess around with innocent girls" grumbled Chris as he came towards Zenith sleeping figure.

"Guys ! it's not what it looks like, he actually helped me to get home last night and he doesn't have any place to crash so I decided to help him" I bargained with him, as I professionally dodged the subject of free bed, definitely I don't want these guys to know about my little secret do I.

A Maverick Girl's Tale. [C♂mpl£t£d✔️💯]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon