Chapter 43: Black Envelope.

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My first love.

You're the first,

You're the last,

Nothing comes in between cause you were the start,

Within this infinity loop 

I lost my heart,

And when I came to retrieve it back,

I got nothing but a broken heart.

~Trishala. A .



I was in the hospital.

Was the first information that got through my brain. The air around me had this undertone of bleach and the continuous beeping voice that was going beside me indicates only one thing, that currently I'm being monitored.

It hurts, it hurts really bad.

I haven't opened my eyes yet, but the fate which waits in front of me is scaring. And it scares me, it scares me till my death, thinking about my life ahead, it suddenly seems to be the most difficult task.

I lost my mother and I never had a father to begin with, but the truth about Adam Trystine being my father hit me really hard.

I almost lost my sane, thinking about him. Just by looking at his name marked on the headstone was frightening enough, the mere thought that he is gone and beyond my reach scares me.

Life is really funny, all my life I hated my father thinking that he was a vile person, but how wrong I was. Adam Trystine was nowhere close to be vile; he was just a perfect man that anyone can dream of.

Now that I think of, I haven't really thought about him, all I did was to collect information about James Trystine. The man who apparently kept the secret, and I don't blame him for that. He knew it would be difficult for me.

Adam Trystine, my father, the man who my mother once loved I suppose. Then what went wrong, how come they left each other, as much as I'm aware of my mother was high on morals. Conceiving a child before marriage was surely reprimanded by her. So what was the reason?

If I think about Adam Trystine, he was really a smart man, smart enough to literally build an empire of his success right out of the scratch.

According to his life story that I read once in the newspapers, he was a man of his words. He never revealed much of his personal life, he preferred privacy and it wasn't just him Trystine's were known to be under wraps. They don't really like media intervention in their life. And for once I agree with them, reporters can be nasty little creatures. He was really successful in establishing his company 'Motive Next' which involved developing latest softwares and technology.

One of the reasons why I admired him the most was because we shared similar interests.

I smiled at the thought of him being my father. If he would be alive, there are so many things we could talk of. There is this little part in me that tell that he would be really pleased to know that I'm into these geeky stuffs.

I only wish he was alive.

I opened my eyes at the thought of it; bright lights blinded me for a second, as I adjusted my peripheral studying the hospital room I was in. There were needles poked inside my veins, deadly tubes pushed inside me lungs which will help me to breathe, bandaged hand indicating my broken wrist. And a big band on my forehead which tells me that I got myself into a nasty accident. It was my sheer luck that I had gone through it alive, but I vaguely remember a voice before the accident, it was familiar, I can tell that for sure.

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