chapter 50 ( last chapter?)

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May p.o.v


shocked was all I feel.

I didn't know how to act. What was i meant to to say when your boyfriend best friend just amities that he like you .

he like you .
His words keep running and repeat.

may i like you more then a friend.

how is this happening to me .

i was always the girl who was shy had only a few close friends. i was more interested in horses then school and i am bit of a book worm. i never really had a crush on a guy until i was 15 and that was my neighbor Tomas . how did i get here . I suddenly realized I hadn't spoken to Paul since he confessed.

" may are you ok . say something."

He brought me out of my thinking.I didn't knew what to say.
I gulp .

" sorry. i appreciate your honesty with me.........................but you know i cant say i feel the same way about you . you know i am with tomas." i looked up at paul who was now nodding looking down.

" paul "i said softly " this isn't going to change anything your still on of my best friends, and i i know thing are going to be awkward but we get through it ." i studded up .

" maybe it just  a crush and you will get over me soon . But for now I think it best not to tell tomas . You guys have been friends for ages . i am not going to be the one that runes that ." I smiled politely at him.

He looked up from the ground down at me .
Paul wasnt vary tall he was a bit taller then me and i am 5"6 so he must of been 5"8 or 5"9 i am not sure. i could tell he seemed relieved although i saw sadness in his usual bright blue eye they had now some how lost it sparkly.

He forced a smile . " thanks may ."

i nodded.
suddenly lighting head shot up from where he was tied and had been gently pulling at grassroots ,he wasn't hungry just looking for something to do. silver mist let out winne , the sunlight shining  laminating  left pattern on the forest floor .

i tuned to Paul " come on we better go."
i stared walking over to sliver and managed to calm her after a few minutes ,i slipped my foot in to the stirrup and leapt gracefully onto the saddled.

💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠(time skip its now 4)

we walked slowly in to the yard , all that could be heard was the sound or ower horses hooves crunching on the cobblestone of the yared.

I looked at paul and he looked at me we both agree the yard was way too quiet .
i slowed sliver to a stop then a reached the entrance to the mares barn .

I jumped off sliver ran up her stirrups and loosened her girth .
" you go on ahead i see what going on ."
He nodded and smiled and waved as he when passed to go to the stallions and gelding barn .

i walked silver to her stable tacking off her saddle and bridle . i hung her bridle out side her stable and left her saddle on her door .

i creak silencely  down the earealy quite barn to the tack room .
when i got there I heard hush voices coming from upstairs where mum and dad had there offices .
I walked  up the first two step to get a better hearing ,i knew mum and dad voice but there was another voice I didn't quite recognizes.

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