Chapter 12

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7:00 am May is out galloping on daisy
They were galloping in Mays favorite forest .
chestnut oak forest.
May and daisy jumped a fall log and then tuned bend and jumped another smaller log and galloped on in to a big open field after bing baled for hay by may uncial.
may slowed to a trot when they were getting to the end of the field .
she open the gate and closed it agen then thay walked along the quite road. "i love this place "may breathe in . "i know u love this place too"may laugh as daisy wanted to go full gallop in the field.
Than may decide to go home the fast way Down an old passage. as they turned the corner a Rottweiler charred at may and daisy .daisy reared and may fell off on to the ground with a tuned .then silence. may hit the ground so hared  that it nock her our.Daisy know vary fritted kicked out at the dog until the dog back back and then daisy charged at the dog to protect her own.
daisy nudged may but nothing happen.Then daisy laid down besides may and waited withe her head rested on may.
aD sorry being so long since i ben on know🐴😜

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