chapter 20

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April 9 Saturday George's birthday
may went Down to the stable .
"hello is it some horses birthday to day "she said as she entered George's stable.
" o its you" .may said smiling
"ya it my birthday now get me my food owner thanks ."George said .
may gives  George a hug and rud his forelock .
George pusses his lip enjoying the scratch.
"ok i have a surprise for you later ". may said as she left his stable to feed the horses.

As may was putting in the horses and ponies feed in to George's and Daisies bucket lily walked in to the tack room .
"may hi I didn't think you would be down here for a week at lest." lily said concerned
"ya but i bored in the house i cant go horse riding for five week still"
" you be back on the horses soon " lily said as she picked up the last bucket.
"hey lily can you muck out George and daisy stable i cant yet .may said look down embarrassed to have to ask lily to do her job .
"that ok may your hary going to do mucking out when you are just home from hospital "
may when in to the house and look on line how to make your horses birthday cake .
may made George's cake with otes ,honey,apples ,and carrots.

after that Zara come back for her lesson "o hi may what that ".Zara said pointing to the cake .
"it George's cake .it his birthday today." may replayed .
"o are you giving to him now."
"ya do you what to come ."
"how about i call rachel and clare and we could come a singe happy birthday ."
"ok great. "
zara when out to call the girls .
may when outside and saw janet on the phone .
may only herd the end of the conversation.
" ya all owners will have to groom ,muck out ,and feed there horses . yes it teaches them responsibility. ok tomorrow  at 2:00 . ok great ya will be there bye see you and your son tomorrow ."
"who was that mum".
"o that was a new border. his name is jack o connel ".
"what mum may said. bit annoyed he use to compete against me . remember he was a total snob."
"well maybe he was changed. he coming tomorrow and i want you to show him around ok ".
"mum no he doesn't stop talking ."
" no buts ".
janet walked back in to the barn .
" hey may the girls are here ". Zara said
" guess what Zara .jack o connel is come here tomorrow his bordering here ".
" what isn't he the guy that was vary competitive ".
"ya .hu i get George's cake ."
" ok "
may came out of the house with the cake .
rachel ,clare ,Zara and may when's down to the stable
they all sang happy birthday to George
after George eat his cake he they help feed and water the horses for the night .
after the girls whent home .
may and Zara when in to the house to have there supper and do there home work .
when there home work was done Zara and may when to may room.
Zara sleeped in may room in a bed next to may .
may's room was a light pink but it was coved in posters of horses .
next day Sunday
may and Zara woke up at 8:00 Janet let them sleep in on Sundays .
They had there breakfast and head down to the stable .
They feed the horses and Zara and lily stared mucking out wail may stared cleaning her saddles and brides.
when they had finished rachel and clare arrived so Zara ,may ,rachel,and clare decide to tack daisy ,dancer,starlight,and bell a frishion mare that was all black except for a withe star on her head for a walk and then put them in the field.
when they came back janet was on the phone again and had just ended when the girls came up to her .
"who were you talking to mum".
"o god you all here jack and his mum is coming over here now ". janet said
just as janet fished a small horse truck came in to the yard.
" here we go ".may said as she put her head in her hands .
"i am shore he wont be that bad ".rachel said as jack stepped out of the sit of the truck .
"ooo but he hot". clare whisper.
"clare ".Zara stared giggling .
"welcome to vail view equestrian center". Janet welcomed jack and his mother.
"hello there i am mary we talked on the phone".
jack when around the back a of the truck and undid the bolete and dropped the ramp  .
he when in side and led out a throuebreed stallion .(the one in the picture above .not shoure if that how you spell it but ).
"ooo he beautiful".rachel said .
"so where will i put him " jack said
" you can put him in the last stable on the right".janet said
mary hand janet the papers for jack horse.
as the parent talked the girl walk after jack .
"what his name ?."clare said
" his name is soloman well that his show name .his darn name is solo ."
"o cool".Zara said .
"ok what do you really want jack ." may said
"nothing ".jack said smirk.
"come on you wont come unless you want some thing".may said
"ok i am having trouble with solo he scared to jump a water jump he frecksout."
"ok".may said .
after jack put solos tack and rug in the tack room and filled his hay net they left.
the girls when in to the house after putting the horses in the stable as the rain came dowen.

a/t omg i think this was the longest chaper i ever did .😊🐴❤️

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