20 - Turned Bad

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Go to the club. Now.


"Hey, have you two seen Baekhyun?"Taeyeon halted Jongdae and Minseok who just left the school.

Jongdae and Minseok looked at each other.

"You tell her."Minseok mumbled.

"No, you tell her."Jongdae nudged Minseok in the arm.

"It would be better if the two of you tell me what is going on. Did Baekhyun get into some trouble?"Taeyeon asked as she rubbed her palms together, feeling nervous about what these two are going to say.

"Baekhyun hasn't been himself recently. He has been rather..."Minseok trailed off and glanced at Jongdae.

"He is slowly returning to his old self. And everytime we talk to him, it seems like he is talking to someone else, but no one is there. In conclusion, he has been possessed."Jongdae said.

"I thought we discussed about not saying that he is possessed thingy."Minseok hissed.

She was about to laugh at the two of them as usual until her wings suddenly got a lot heavier, heavier than everything she felt for these past few days. She crouched down onto the floor because she wasn't used to any of the weight, it is just too heavy for her to handle.

"Taeyeon-a, are you okay?"Minseok crouched down to her level and placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to see if she is okay.

"Wow, you don't look very good." Jongdae said.

"I am okay. I just missed breakfast this morning."she said as she slowly pushed herself up. "Erm...can you help me to grab my bag?"she asked, pointing at her bag on the floor, it is just too hard for her to bend down to pick it up, who knows when she will fall. "I will get going then."she said. "Bye."she flashed them a smile before turning away from them.

She leaned against the wall, acting casual although her wings are killing her.

"Ugh...what did you do Baek?"she mumbled, closing her eyes to take a rest as she took out her phone to message Sehun to come to school to pick her up. After throwing her bag onto the floor and sliding her back down against the wall as she sat down on the floor, she started shivering.

She buried her face between her knees and rubbed her arms rapidly to generate some warmth. People passed by in front of her and curious glances were thrown her way, but no one bothered to ask her if she is okay.

By the time Sehun arrived, she has already fallen asleep against the wall.


"Since you have been saying that you want to talk to Ms Sienna, we managed to get her on video call. We will leave you alone so that you can talk with her privately."Sehun said before leaving Taeyeon alone in her bedroom. Taeyeon heaved a sigh and looked down at the iPad placed in front of her. She combed her hair using her fingers and adjusted her position to make sure that she looks proper.

"Ms Sienna."

"Be yourself. If you are too tired to smile, just don't."Ms Sienna said bluntly, making Taeyeon relax. "Sehun told me you have a lot of things to ask me. Ask me then."she continued.

"It's my master. He hasn't been...acting himself lately."she said as Ginger crawled up her bed and cuddled in her lap.

"Has he been doing something out of the ordinary?"

"Unfortunately yes."she sighed. I thought everything is going to work out and I am going back up there soon. But suddenly, his friends said that they find him talking to himself and he has been acting like is possessed or something."Taeyeon sighed again after ranting out everything, it is time for her to vent everything out. 

Ms Sienna didn't answer or respond at all, she nodded. Taeyeon stared silently at her mentor, wondering if she sounded like a lunatic just now. She tugged on Ginger's dark curls nervously, waiting for her mentor to say something.

"Did you have feelings for your master?"

"Excuse me what?"Taeyeon tucked the fallen strands of her hair behind her ears, as if she could hear what her mentor just said clearer.

"Do you like your master? More than a master and a friend."Ms Sienna rephrased her question.

"I guess I do."Taeyeon mumbled. It felt awkward to tell something like this to her mentor.

Ms Sienna nodded and cleared her throat before leaning forward to her desk. "I suspect that there is a demon near him. Following him and lingering around him."

"A demon?"Taeyeon frowned. That doesn't sound good.

"They have always been jealous of the angels, so their more common name as a group is Anti-Angels. Unlike us, on their first arrival into this world, they are weak and formless."Ms Sienna explained. "They eat on human's miseries and drain the human's life slowly until it reaches it's final physical form."she continued.

Taeyeon nodded in understanding. She noticed her mentor hesitating before continuing what she is about to say.

"I was once a target of them, but I got away after reporting it to the Head Council."Ms Sienna let out a heavy sigh, talking back about the past. She was a young angel once and had fell in love with a human just like Taeyeon.

"Why are they targeting me this time?"Taeyeon asked, furrowing her brows even deeper.

"Because they smell your heart. They sensed your love for a human. A broken heart of an angel can lead them straight to their physical form."

"Wait. You mean they want to drain my heart? I don't have a broken heart."she shook her head slightly, feeling relieved for a second because she is sure that her heart is still completely fine.

"You will have soon. So they are using someone you love to get to you."

"Someone...I love?"Taeyeon chewed on her bottom lip. There isn't even a need to ask, cause she already know what her mentor is going to say next.

"Byun Baekhyun, your master."


A/N: Taeyeon's voice in Jonghyun's new song T^T

I was putting that song on loop while typing this chapter.


I have been quite busy lately. not lately actually, almost the whole month. imagine having four assignments due on the same week! haizzz!!

i am so stress but because i don't really express myself or talk to anyone about what i feel and how i feel rn, i feel tired. this is the only place i can vent, idk, i just don't feel like telling anyone my feelings because i hate hearing them advising me the same thing over and over again.

i am so stess, i sometimes sit at a corner and stare at the freaking wall. and sometimes even blanking out when my friend is talking to me.

tsk tsk


this is the only place that makes me feel calm...

thank u everyone for supporting this book. love you all! <3

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