When we finish the last part, I smile at him. God I love this boy.
"I love you" I say.
"I love you" he says back and kisses me.
We say there for about another 30 minutes then go back to move all of our stuff into the apartment. I park in the driveway and we go in the house.
"Hey guys you ready to go to the apartment?" Cam asks when we walk in.
We both nod and go back out to the moving van. Cam gets in the  van and Johnny and I get in our cars. Cams car is at the moving van renting place (Idk what to call it) so he can drive back.
We drive and make it there in 20 minutes. Its a two story apartment with a balcony, four bedrooms and two bathrooms and its fully furnished.
~2 hours later~
After every box is moved in, we all meet outside. Dad looks like he's going to cry again so I hug him tight.
"I'm gonna miss you sweets!" He says into my shoulder.
"I'm gonna miss you too daddy" I say into his. We hug for another minute then we release and He hugs Johnny as well.

"Lets take a picture." I say and set my phone up on the end of the van. I set the timer for 15 seconds and get in between them. We smile and it snaps.
"Alright well I need to get home to Riles. Have fun and be safe okay?" He says and hugs us both.
"Okay" we say in unison. Cam laughs and gets in the van and drives away. We walk upstairs and open the door. I go to the couch and lay down. I moaned at how soft the black fabric was and how comfortable it was. He chuckles and leans on the wall.
"What do you want for dinner?" He asks staring at me.
I sit up right and pat the seat next to me. He takes a seat and I lay my head on his shoulder.
"I kinda wanna cook but then again I want pizza." I say undecided.
"Why don't we cook our own pizzas?" He says.
I nod and stand. He follows my lead and we walk out of the door with the key. I get in my car and he gets in the passenger seat.
I put on the radio and The Chainsmokers come on. Paris plays and I sing along as I back out if the parking lot.

" We were staying in Paris
To get away from your parents
And I thought, “Wow
If I could take this in a shot right now
I don't think that we could work this out”
Out on the terrace
I don't know if it's fair but I thought “How
Could I let you fall by yourself
While I'm wasted with someone else”

If we go down then we go down together
They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever
If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything
Let's show them we are better
Let's show them we are better
Let's show them we are better

We were staying in Paris
To get away from your parents
You look so proud
Standing there with a frown and a cigarette
Posting pictures of yourself on the internet
Out on the terrace" 
We arrive at Walmart and I park the car close to the store. We walk hand in hand up to the building. I grab a cart and push ir as he walks next to me.
"Okay what do we need for pizza?" I ask as we go to the isle most likely to have the ingredients. I was right because we find pre made dough , pizza sauce and other toppings.
"Wanna make our dough from scratch or buy pre made?" I ask him. He thinks on it and goes with pre made. I grab the other ingredients and we walk around a little more just in case we missed anything. When we get into the cake isle I spy the red velvet cake mix box and instantly grab it. Johnny comes up behind me and leans down to whisper in my ear.
"Red Velvet? My favorite," (y'all probably thought it was gonna be seductive didnt you smh) He says and kisses my cheek. I giggle and walk towards the check out.
"Alex? Alex Dallas?" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and my heart stops for a second. Caleb. (Dun dun dun. Y'all remember him right. First guy she liked that broke her heart. Smh @ him)

"Caleb? What are you doing here?" I asks backing up a little. Johnny must've seen that I wasn't comfortable so he wraps his arms around my waist and I relax a little.

"I was shopping. I didn't know you were still in L.A. I thought you're "dad" wouldve sent you back to the orphanage by now" he says using air quotes around dad and laughs.

My blood boils. I never told you guys this but after he found out that Cam was my adoptive dad, he was such a snake and harrased me. I blocked him off of everything but he still found ways. It had finally stopped when his parents took him to Bakersfield.

"Excuse you, that was rude you dick" Johnny says and I grab his hand that's still wrapped around my waist.
"And who are you?" He asks.
"I'm her boyfriend. Now can you leave her alone." Johnny says and puts me behind him.
"I will never leave her alone. Okay?"
"No you will leave her alone and finally stop tormenting her." Johnny shouts now people are staring at us.
"Oh yeah what are you gonna do about it?" Caleb says and shoves Johnny. Johnny turns to me, hands me his stuff and turns back around throws a punch at Calebs face. I gasp in shock and pull Johnny back knowing what he could do.
"Both of you outside now." The security says. I hand Johnny the car keys and he leaves glaring at Caleb.
I walk to the checkout area shaking slightly. I buy all of the stuff and rush out of the store. I spot Johnny leaning against the car waiting for me. I rush to him, set the bags on the ground and hug the life out of him. He rubs my back and hugs me close.
"Are you okay?" He says. I nod my head still holding him.
"Then lets go home'' I nod.
He grabs the bags and the keys. I walk to the other side and get in the passenger seat.
He gets in and turns the car on and drives us home.
When we arrive home he grabs the bags and we make our way up. I unlock the door and go into the kitchen.
"Hey'' he says and leans in the door way.
"Sup" I say and pull out the dough and flour.
"Are you okay?" He asks and comes up behind me and hugs my waist.
"Yeah why?" I turn around and put my hands on his shoulders.

"The way you acted when we saw Caleb. It wasn't you"
"I'm fine. I promise. He just brought back some harsh memories." I say.
He nods his head and kisses my forehead.
I pull my phone out and put on shuffle. Mr. Brightside comes on and we jam to it as we make our pizzas. Occasionally we would throw a bit of food at each other. By the time we were finished and they were in the oven cooking, we both had flour all in our hair and I had pepperoni in my boobs.
"Okay well I'm going to go shower really fast." I say and pull the pepperoni out of my shirt and toss it in the trash.
"Okay I will clean up here then go take one myself" He says and kisses me.
"Thank you" I say before I go up stairs and take out my box of clothes and pull out nike shorts and my black P!ATD shirt.
I grab my speaker and go into the bathroom. I turn on the warm water and then set my phone to connect to the speaker I hit play on my playlist and step in. I wash quickly and then step out. Once I'm dressed I hop down the stairs to meet Johnny sitting on the couch watching tv. I creep up behind him and cover his eyes.
"Oh my lord I'm blind. I can't believe im never going to look at the love of my life again." He says and starts fake crying. I laugh and plop down next to him.
"Thank god I thought I was blind" he jokes and holds his heart.
"Esta bien mi amor. Estoy aquí. Nunca ir a ninguna parte. Nunca te dejaré." I say and he pulls me onto his lap.
"Que?" He laughs.
"It's okay my love. I'm right here. Never going anywhere. Never leaving you." I say and kiss him putting so much passion into it.
He holds my face gently and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and we go upstairs.
~le about 20 minute later~
Johnny: (yay)
We both walk downstairs smiling after what we did. Looking at her beautiful self walk into the kitchen I smile and bite my lip. I can't stop thinking about how perfect she is. I'm so happy when I'm with her and now that we live together it just make me want to jump for joy. I walk into the kitchen and see her with oven mitts on and taking out the pizzas.
"They're ready" she says and I get two plates out. We spent dthe rest of the night eating our pizzas, watching tv and joking around with each other. Loving my life right now.

Adopted By Mr. DallasWhere stories live. Discover now