Chapter 2: Trash and Treasure.

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Opening my eyes, I first scanned the room to which I found myself in, seeing poorly made wooden walls with dirty, cracked windows on one side, I find myself lying on a surprisingly comfortable bed with some sort of woollen sheets seemingly made with some sort of brown, uncomfortable material, my clothes were definitely not the ones I was wearing before. As I was looking around, I realised that I'm unable to move even though I'm not shackled or bound. I simply lack the strength and energy.


The wooden door on the other side of the room opened, revealing an average height young woman with dark rings around her grey eyes wearing uncomfortable, dirty clothing and had long, messy black hair. For some reason, the moment she saw me staring blankly at her, her hands instantly moved to cover her mouth as if in shock and tears began to fall profusely down her cheeks.

[woman] "*sobbing* Kai...?"

This woman knows my name?

Before I had time to think any further she rushed towards me, embracing me tightly in her arms as I lay there unable to move. I can feel her warm tears trickling down onto my skin as they flowed even more uncontrollably than before.

[Kai] "who are you?"
[Woman] "Kai? Fuin mar neghan?"


We both sat there looking at each other, unable to speak as it seemed we both realised we wouldn't be able to understand each other. I was about to open my mouth once more before the sound of boots crashing on the crappy wooden floorboards resounded in my ears. Looking over towards the noises direction, standing in the doorway was a ragged man with a dirty brown beard and mid length brown hair, the same black rings around his eyes and wearing old raggedy clothing that matched the rest of his look. Following behind him was a man wearing a contrastingly neat and clean white robe with green accents that made him look incredibly out of place in this dump. The robed man had a pointed face, bright blue eyes, long dark green hair and looked to be in about his late twenties. All in all, I would have considered him some sort of cosplayer, had it not been for the rather long, pointed ears showing through his hair. When I saw him, only one thought crossed my mind.

[Kai] "elf?"

A shocked look showed on all three of their faces. Was I not meant to say that?

The older, bearded man walked over before removing the crying woman from my bedside and awkwardly yet surprisingly with a good amount of strength, slapped me in the face.

Wait what? Why the fuck?

I could feel a red mark forming on my face as anger one would imagine being the same raw, red colour began surging up inside me.

[Man] "hurra ga nah! Jirra farewa kiyo tahn!"
[Kai] "shut the fuck up asshole!"

The shocked faces returned as they looked at me, seemingly able to understand my words if only by the way I spoke to them. The mans face began to twist in rage as he raised his hand towards me, time seemed to slow down and a familiar non gendered voice rang inside my head.

[Entity] "you seem at a loss for what to do?"
[Kai] "You're the one calling themselves god. You should know that already."
[Entity] "it's much more enjoyable to watch without knowing the future."
[Kai] "ah, is that right?"
[Entity] "you realise... anyone else in your shoes would be speaking to me in a much more respectful manner."
[Kai] "you promised me power and instead I'm lying here, unable to move, getting slapped by a man whose language I don't understand. So excuse me if I'm a little underwhelmed."

The whole world seemed to shake once more as if the earth was splitting as the sound of short, quiet laughter could be heard from nowhere and everywhere.

Reborn to be RoyalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ