Chapter ·61· Risky Nights

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°Christine in the Media☝📷

=1 hour later=
(Christine's POV)😶

Hearing the door open behind me, I turn around from the couch and watch Jacob stumble in through doorway.

"Jay Jay? Where have you been?" I get up immediately, watching him look up at me.

"Hey babyy, ain't chu-la-lookin' good in them tights"

"What?" I chuckle, not expecting that one.

"I said you lookin' good baby" he comes up to me.

"Thank you..., uh--have you been smoking again?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Don't worry bout it, I'm slay...and I got yo money bae bae" he laughs.

"How did you get money?"

"I said don't worry bout it. Worry bout giving a nigga a kiss first" he brings me to him, grabbing my rear end in the back harshly.

"Jay?" I gasp, not ever being used to this kind of behavior from him.

"Gimme kiss, girl.." he leaned in and closed his eyes.

Well since he is my boyfriend, I leaned in too and gave him a small peck. He re-opened his eyes and pushed us against the wall, pinning me down and kissing me fully.

I gave into his dominance and let him have his way by gripping me up and kissing me down. I never seen him this...controlling. It was kind of a turn on too.

"Lemme tear that lil white-ass apart" he says, biting and bruising my neck.

"Mmm--sure baby" I look up smiling.

"Get that sexy-ass upstairs then.." he lets me go and smacked my butt when I walked forward., now this could get interesting.

=1:35 am=🕟
(Jay's POV)😅

Waking up from our bed, I see Chris knocked out naked besides me and the alarm clock above her on the stand. It blinked 1:35 am in red flashing  lights, making me motion my head towards the window.

It was late and I was still in my high, just not as intese as before. But seeing how Christine's ass was covered in my hand prints and how her skin still glowed red from impact. I know I must've done some crazy ish to her. That explains why she's knocked out cold, ass up and face down.

...shit, I wish I could've been sober to see that. Me and her haven't had good sex in a while. A long while.

I get up slowly and fix my Tommy Hilfiger boxers, grabbing my phone before walking out to head downstairs. Going into the kitchen, I grab a bottle of rum and some strawberry syrup with a glass cup. I prepared me a nice little concoction and took a sip of the highly intoxicating beverage when finished.

About 5 minutes later or so, I could feel myself drifting off again. With a mix of high and drunkenness....I was f*cked up. And when I'm in this state of mind my hormones race like crazy. Pussy this...pussy that, pussy needed on my gat like asap.👌

And the beauty of having two girls at the same time, I can have seconds. Even though I just...probably ran through Chris's ass like hell, I can't remember a Damn thing. But now that I'm up..--well some what..., I'm tryna see if I can come through for my wifey number two.

So sadly, I started blowing up her phone...

Me: u up? Answer my call
Me: Dyme?
Me: ello😂

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