Chapter ·27· Mama

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°Gabriel in the Media☝📷

~Gabriel's POV👌~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mm-stop. Let me win" she whinned, smiling up at me from pulling back.

"Nah" I bend back down, entering my tongue once more to fight with hers.

*Phone rings*📞☎

Not stopping just yet, I kiss her down further in to the pillows, hearing a struggle in her breathing as I did so. I pull away with a smack and grab my phone off the night stand, answering my mom's call.


"Hi son" she said happily on the other end.

"Hello..." I get up to leave out Tiara's room.

I take a seat in her living room and finish talking to my mom, for the first time in a long while.

"I miss you" she says.


"Gabriel please. Why are you still mad at me, that was months ago..."

"Why am I still mad huh? Because I'm 21 years old and I still don't know who my father is. That's why..."

She sighs.

"I feel like you just keep trying to hold this back from me. So what? you don't want me to have a dad, mom? Since its clearly your decision instead of mine"

"I do Gabriel but I just don't know..."

"That just proves that I was a mistake from the beginning. You ain't even plan to have me did you? I was just a one night stand gone wrong..."


"That's what I was, wasn't I?! A fucking mistake, yo. At least that's why I wanna know my dad, so I can finally stop living my life as an orphan. I just wanna know what it feels like to have a mom and dad. Since growing up, that's all I was surrounded by. Kids with completed families except for me. *a tear falls down my cheek* Do you know how it feels, to see all your friends get picked up at the end of the day by their parents, but yet.....your the only one still there alone. That's what I had to deal with growing up mom. Feeling like I wasn't good enough for anyone to love and take me home..."

I wipe my eyes and hold down my head with my hand. My past was something that still haunts me today. Even when I try to get away from it...

"Baby boy listen to me, you gotta let that shit go, okay. I was just like you and I tell you this all the time. I can relate to you. I actually was a real one night stand gone wrong, my mom and dad wasn't even together, Gabriel. They met at a bar and hooked up. That's how I got here. I didn't even know my father for the majority of my life, I met him when I was 25, Gabriel. But so what if I didn't plan on having you, I still did didn't I? I still carried you for 9 months when I was homeless, right? I'm sorry that your mom wasn't the most classiest person back then, I did sleep around a lot. But since this is really tearing you up inside, I will try to find your father okay. I'm sorry for putting you through this with my irresponsible choices back then. But I love you son and if anything, at least you have a mom that does. I would do anything for you Gabe and I hope you can forgive me..."

I sigh and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry too mom"

"It's okay. I can understand your frustration"

"I don't wanna seem ungrateful though. I love and appreciate you mom, but I just really wanted to know what having a dad is like. All I have is you for real..."

"Biological yes. But you have Desean, Angel, Armani, Jace, me, JayJay, Kaila, Adriana, A'Raya and her family, Riley and hers too. We're all your family Gabriel, and your loved by all of us. Sure we may not all be blood but...who can really see blood anyways"

"Yeah, your right. I'm sorry again though. And I-I miss you too"

"Come see me soon okay, your always welcomed. I love you"

"Love you too"

"I'll talk to you later okay. Have great rest of your day"

Hearing our call disconnect, I reach down to put my phone in my pocket, taking a minute to breathe from my emotions.

"You okay?" I hear Tiara's voice behind me.

I look back at her. "Mhm.."

"I heard you crying a little, that's why I came out here to check on you" she sits down in front of me.

"I'm fine now. I just had to talk to my mom about something personal to me and I guess it excalated"

"Oh okay..."

"You ever feel like your too hard on someone?"

"Yes actually, with myself" she crosses her legs.

"Well I feel like I'm too hard on my mom sometimes. My mom has tried her best to make me happy since we met, but I'm always taking that shit for granted and giving her my ass to kiss. And yet, she still calls me, she still tells me she loves me,......she misses me. And I don't why she does when I can be such an asshole to he. But I guess that's the love she talks about, that unconditional love. My mama really loves me at the end of the day"

"That's so sweet babe and you gotta stop being mean all the time too. Moms aren't perfect, so you can't expect them to be. They're people just like me and you"

"Yeah..." I nod my head.

"And cheer up. If you want some lovin', just ask" She stood up in front of me, rubbing on the sides of my face softly.

"Can you carry me back to the bed" I hug around her waist.

"Boy bye. Ya head weigh like 300 pounds itself" she teased.

"So does that ass.." I grip her butt hardly from behind.

"Gabriel..." she gasped from my dominant actions.

Hey thanks for reading📚📙😁❗❗ I went back and added some new questions at the end of each chapter now. Wanna go check em out? Feel free. If you don't see them, Sign out and sign back in😊❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗

Q: What you think about Gabriel's picture in the Media?😍😩🐶

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