Chapter ·28· Visitation

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°Brianna in the Media☝📷

=2 weeks later, June 1st=🏊☀
(Adriana's POV)💗

So Jacob has brought it to my attention that our mother has scheduled an appointment for us to see her. This was back in January but of course, I pushed it back from not being interested in speaking with her. We all know how I feel about that woman, but now I have to suck it up for my brother's sake.

He really wanted me to go with him, since Kaila couldn't make it.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to this place..." I groan, looking out the window of JayJay's new rental.

"I appreciate it sis, I just wish you would talk to her too"

"I have nothing to say..."

"A "hey mom" would be nice"

"Why are you so fixated on me and my mother's relationship, Jacob"

"Because she's our mother, Adriana. She gave birth to us and carried us for 9 months a piece. Cut her some slack..."


"But if you really don't wanna talk to her, then fine. You grown enough to make your own decisions"

"I'll talk to her okay, will that make you shut up? But I'm not going in there first..."

=1 hour later=🕖✨

We finally pull up the the Unity Health and rehabilitation center, here in the north west region from Miami.

We finally pull up the the Unity Health and rehabilitation center, here in the north west region from Miami

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

We both get out and walk up to the entrance, seeing a front desk greet us as we entered.

"New enrollment? Or visitation?" the receptionist asked me.

"Visitation please" I simply say.

"And who are you looking to visit ma'am?"

"Brianna Allen..."

"And you are?"

"Adriana Allen, her daughter and this is Jacob Allen, her son"

"Awe. How sweet for you both to come visit your mom" she smiled, picking up the phone. ...woohoo😒

"Hello Nancy, bring Ms. Allen down to the visitation room please. Tell her that her kids had came to visit"

=15 minutes later= 🕖✨
(JayJay's POV)😚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Leaving Adriana in the waiting room, I follow a staff member to the actual visitation room. He opened the door and took me inside, letting me see my mom behind a glass phone booth.

She smiled as I sat down and picked up the phone on her side. I did the same and lifted the black phone to my ear, now looking at my mom through the glass we were separated by.

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