Chapter ·38·

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°Dyme in the Media☝📷

=10:01 pm=✨🌌
(Angel's POV)💓

Escorting Curtis upstairs, we finally walk up to my apartment door, where I unlocked it so we could go inside. Once the door was open, I stepped aside to let him in first as I closed it behind us. He stood there in place and continued to hang his head down, not even bothering to look around.

"You can sit if you want" I suggest, coming up to him.

Not replying, he walked over to my couch and sat down slowly, putting his crutches off to the side.

"You want anything? Water? A snack?"


"Want the tv on?"


"Radio?" I chuckle a little.


"Uh--okay" I say, feeling awkward.

I leave him alone for a minute to go get him a pillow and a blanket, returning back with the items a few seconds later. He still sat in the same place and in the same position. This was really odd and usual to me. I never seen him like this...

"Here, let me help you?"

"No..I'm fine" he said, looking down at his fingers.

"Curtis please. Work with me here.."

"Angel. I'm fine. Just go to bed..."

"You don't want the pillow either?"

He turned to me finally. "Just leave it here..."

Watching him turn away again, I set down the pillow and blanket on the other end of the couch. I really wanted to help him but he clearly doesn't want me to. So I decided to leave him alone and go back to room, closing my door and hooping in my bed. I texted Alex back too, telling her to just go without me. I had a nigga to take care of now😒

(JayJay's POV)😙 *phone buzzes*📲

While Dyme is in the shower and my baby girl already fast asleep, I stayed downstairs to continue my conversation with Christine. We've started talking-- well texting again and now she wants to see me. She's really sorry about what she did to me and complains about missing is being together. But, I just can't get over what she did that easily.

It's bad enough I have...forgiveness issues but I love her at the same time. This doesn't even include the fact that I'm staying with my beloved baby mama now, who I dearly miss on the low. I'm just really going through it with the women in my life.

Christine: So can we meet up tomorrow? I miss my boyfriend😢💔

Me: we're not together ok. So you can stop calling me that. But yeah sure, I don't mind seeing you again.

Christine:😢💔u hate me

Me: I don't. It's just fucked up now😔

*Dyme's phone dings twice*📲💢

Looking over at her IPhone with a brown Louis Vuitton case, I start to wonder who was blowing up her phone. It's been going off ever since she went upstairs and it's really getting annoying.

*Dyme's phone goes off again*📲💢 see😒

"Her hotline blingin' huh" I say aloud, talking to myself as I got up.

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