"Did you just pinched my cheek?"he muttered, massaging his cheek and half-glaring at her who looked back at him sheepishly.

"No...your cheek got in between my fingers."she decided to be sarcastic.

Baekhyun couldn't help but snort at her sarcastic remark because he found it amusing. Taeyeon rarely shows him any attitude like sassing him, so he was astonished that she could react that way. In return, he messed up her hair and ran towards the bus.

"Yah!"she chased after him.

And for the first time, Taeyeon finally sat beside him on the bus.


"Come in."Taeyeon said when she heard someone knocking on her door. "Oh hey Luhan."she looked up from her book. Luhan walked in and put down the tray on her desk.

"Xing said you skipped dinner, so I brought your share up to your room."he explained. "I heard from Yoona that you have been busy studying."he added, peering over her to glance at the book she was reading. "Ooh, studying Science I see."

"Yeah."she heaved a sigh. "Thanks for bringing me food."she thanked him and took a sip out of the glass, feeling the warm liquid travel down her throat. "I think Science is the hardest subject ever."she said, poking a piece of meat and steering it into her mouth.

"Wow, even I don't study for my master. You are going through all lengths to help your master."Luhan was impressed and shocked that Taeyeon does her job dilligently.

"If I don't help him, who is going to?"Taeyeon stated. "I want to help him."she said.

"You do remember after helping him out of the wrong path, you are going to go back to Heaven to get a new master right?"Luhan asked.

"Yeah. Unfortunately yes."she sighed. Deep inside her, she had grew attached to Baekhyun. She knew that it is unhealthy to revolve her life around him and not live her other life like it doesn't exist. She is used to have him in her everyday routine. She is used to annoy the heck out of him everyday. She is so used to waiting at the front gate everyday when he came out from school. She can't imagine herself leaving him. She just can't.

"You sound like you want to stay here forever. Beside him."Luhan commented quietly beside her.

"Maybe I should hold back a bit before getting to attached to him."Taeyeon mumbled.

"Not should, you must distance yourself from him a bit more. Or else it will be hard for you and for him when you leave."he said. "Remember this Taeyeon, we are not here to be their friend. They are our duty." he reminded her and gave her a pat on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Taeyeon heaved a sigh, which is something she does a lot ever since she met Baekhyun.

Why am I like this?

She started to think back to all the things she did for him.

Am I doing all of these because it is my job? Or am I doing this because I wanted to. I loved to.

A drop of blood landed on the paper under her chin. She leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, thinking that it came from there.

Her finger slowly reached her philtrum. She felt a bit of liquid under her nose and stared at the liquid that has stained her finger.

It was blood.

She had a nose bleed for studying on sleepless nights.

"Oh God."she mumbled.


Baekhyun came out of the school and tugged on the strap of his bag. He usually tugs the strap because his strap is always falling off his shoulder for not having a correct posture. This time, it is because he has books inside his bag. Yes, he has started to bring his exercise books and his textbooks that he never use to school.

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