Chapter 5 - Show-And-Tell And Suiting Up For Le Battle!

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We paused.  I don't think they noticed us.

"We saw you guys before.  Can you do cool things?"  A little boy asked.

Cassia chuckled.  "We're all different, but I can breathe fire.  Look!"

She looked straight up and blew a small spire of fire into the air.

The children oohed at the fire.  Cassia laughed.

spark was being pet by some little girls.  She looked slightly humiliated, but she panted happily anyway.

A couple of kids were standing by Kit, looking at her.  "What can you do?"

Kit grinned.  "Well, I can see better in the dark with these eyes, but I also have a special weapon."

She showed them the stick.

"A...stick?  Won't that break if you hit someone?"  A little boy asked.

Kit shrugged.  "Hasn't yet.  But, that's not all it is.  Watch this."  She finished with a whisper.

She placed the stick on the ground and it changed into KitKat the kitten.

"Woah, that's a kitten!  She's so adorable!"  A little girl said happily.

KitKat mewed and rubbed against the little children's legs.

Kit chuckled lightly.  "That's not all she can do.  KitKat, come over here and finish changing."

The kitten mewed and walked away from the children then turned to face them.  She finally grew into her panther form that we all, being the 7 of us, anyway, knew and loved.

The children backed away in fear.

Kit smiled.  "It's ok.  She won't hurt you.  She only hurts bad guys.  Like, REALLY bad guys."

The children looked at their parents then walked forward towards KitKat, who watched them expectantly.

One summoned up their courage and reached forward, petting the panther.

KitKat purred and rubbed against the hand.

The rest of the children laughed and pet KitKat, as well.

"Your wings are pretty and so are your eyes."  A lonely looking girl said to Known.  Known was kinda standing back away from the group.

Known looked down at the girl and smiled.  "Thank you.  Wanna see something cool that I can do?"

The girl's eyes widened and she nodded happily.

Known turned towards a group of lights and held her hands towards them.  Those yellow sparks appeared again and came towards her.

"I can do many things with light.  I can make fireworks...."  She aimed some sparks into the air and they made a small explosion, making the girl clap happily.  "...I can pick you up...."  She maneuvered the sparks to surround the little girl and raised her a bit off the ground.  She yelped in surprise and then laughed as Known put her down.

A male and female adult were watching the little girl and Known with a bit of worry but smiled as...probably their child laughed.

" is also a weapon."  Known sighed as she dispersed the sparks.

The children looked up at us.  "Hi, Candid!  Oh, there's more of you guys!"

The 4 other members of our group turned towards us and grinned.

"You guyssssss done already?"  Cassia asked, stunning a couple kids with her snake accent.

"Not quite.  The armory is this direction, as well."  Candid answered.

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...Finale....Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu