#164: Assassin's Creed (Harry) Pt. 2

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"...I'm telling you [Y/N], the man was insane. He made the best headshots and always had the best aim. It was incredible." Harry explained as he wove another tale of your great grandfather.

"Wow...I never knew how much justice he did for this country. No one in my family really talked about him."

"The Assassin part probably threw them off. Happens all the time [Y/N]. That's why a lot of us don't really tell our families what we do. They get scared and disown us thinking they could be the next target."

"Well, has there ever been an instance where you guys have had to assassinate a family member?"

"No, never. Although lieutenant Wolfe shows that he has a hard shell, he's all about family."

"Tell me about your family [Y/N], because from what I hear you come from killing machines." He says making you laugh.

"Well, My Dad passed away when I was 7, which is why he probably wasn't next in line to be the Assassin and I was. I have no brothers, only sisters so it only makes sense." You explain

"How many sisters do you have?"

"I have 3 older and two younger sisters. The younger ones are fraternal twins."

"Nice. I only have one older sister. Her name is Gemma. You have any kids back home?" He asks.

"My baby boy Brandon. He's great, he just turned one."

"That's great. How long have you and your husband been married?"

"I'm not married to Brandon's father..."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Things just got complicated, so we broke up. I refuse to keep him and Brandon apart though. Me not having my own father around gave me that mentality so when I came here, I let Brandon stay with him."

"Most single Mothers wouldn't do that." He says.

"Exactly, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your kid safe you know? I miss my baby, but It is what it is." You say. After a couple Moments of silence Harry was the one to break the ice.

"So, who's finally ready to use a gun?"

"I think you know who..." you and grinned towards each other and Harry lead you out to the shooting range. The other men were out already shooting at the slightly damaged mannequins from different points.

"Wow...so this is how you guys train?"

"Yep. Before I give you a gun you need to put a vest on."

"No one else has on a vest." You say putting your hands on your hips.

"That's because you're a beginner. These guys have been doing this for years. Also we have a lot of incidents where people 'accidentally'..." he said making air quotes "cough cough, get shot and I actually like you so...I don't want that to happen. Especially because these guys love to intimidate the new people."

"Oh I see..."

"Yeah..." he walks over to a rack and grabs a vest small enough to fit your frame, but still slightly too big.

"Put it on." He hands it to you and you sigh as gunshots come to a halt and all the guys turn their attention to you, to watch as you slide the big bulky vest past your shoulders. You weren't gonna let these guys scare you. You feared absolutely nothing after watching your father die.

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