#118: Your Break-up (Part 3)

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You woke up the next morning in the arms of Zayn and you were slightly confused until memories from the night before started to come back to you. You heavily sighed and looked at your sleeping friend. You suddenly couldn't shake the feeling that what you had just done wasn't right.

"Zayn...wake up!" You say smacking his chest.

"Give me 5 more minutes mom..." He mumbled in his sleep rolling over.

"It ain't your mom, it's [Y/N] fool, wake yo ass up!" You yell shoving him off the bed. He stood up and had nothing on so you immediately covered your eyes.

"You've already seen everything [Y/N]. No need to cover your eyes." He chuckled moving your hand and kissing your forehead.

"Nigga did you use...you know..."

"A condom?" He asks finishing your sentence. "I couldn't tell you off the top of my head but I think I did...I'm not sure."

"Whatever...I'll just buy a pregnancy test or something in a few days. I have to go see Niall!" You say rushing around to find clothes to put on. You threw on leggings and a tie dye shirt with your denim jacket and Zayn eyes you up and down.

"I'll be back Zayn!" You grab your phone, keys and your purse and rush out to the hospital. You came through the double doors and asked to see Niall.

"He's on the second level in room 28." The secretary says pushing her glasses up.

"Thank You." You took the elevator up and went looking for his room until you found it. You lightly knocked and opened the door to see Niall bruised up and bandaged. You sat in the chair at his bedside and rubbed his forehead.

His eyes fluttered open and soon widened.

"Hey." You smile. "How do you feel?"

"Like shit." He mumbled making you smile.

"Anyway, I came to tell you that I'm sorry Zayn put you in here. I mean what you did was a real shitty thing but you don't deserve to be hospitalized for it." You say stroking his hand.

"Apology accepted. I'm sorry too [Y/N]. Having sex with her...it was just way out of line and you don't know how badly it felt to have you leave me. I love you [Y/N], not her." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Well you're not gonna love me when I tell you what I did last night."

"Just tell me [Y/N], I won't be too mad." He says.

"I slept with Zayn last night, and I enjoyed it. To make matters worse, neither of us know whether he used a condom or not." You sigh still afraid of potentially being pregnant.

"So you had sex with the guy who's like a brother to you...I guess that makes us both even." Niall sighs.

"It wasn't about getting even. It just kind of happened. I was putting ice on his eyes and he kissed me. Then it just got intense from there. I'm sorry Niall, it's over between you and I anyway. I might be faced with mothering my best friends baby, so sacrifices have to be made." You say kissing his pale cheek.

"Thank you for atleast showing you care by checking on me." He sniffled.

"Anytime Niall."

"I know what I did was unforgivable, but can we atleast still be friends?" He asks looking into your eyes. You honestly weren't sure about being friends with him. What he did really hurt you but you turned around and did the same exact thing except you dumped him beforehand.

Who were to judge? But still, you cared about Niall, you just weren't sure if you could trust him enough to go through that same process again.


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