#74: You're on your period

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You were curled up in bed with a thick towel under you, bleeding like a crazy person. You were watching your shows when Louis came up in the bedroom with some lunch on a tray for you.

"Aww Louis, you ain't had to make me anything. I was gonna come down and fix myself something." You giggled.

"Well, I took care of that. Men are supposed to take care of their wives. Including when they're having their little feminine monthly issues." He laughs.

"Thank you honey. Gosh, this smells good." You smile taking in the savory scent. You felt another cramp and you decided to sit there and let it pass.

"You alright?" He asked, getting all jumpy.

"Shhh, Shut up..." You whisper. You weren't trying to be nasty, you just didn't like hearing people talk to you when you were cramping. Once it stopped you could finally breathe and you took some medicine.

"I'm sorry Louis, I know how I get with my cramps..."

"It's alright. There's no need for you to apologize, you're having your little time of the month and I've very well learned to expect it. I know exactly what I signed up for, when we got married." He smiled kissing you.

"Aww, I love you baby." You giggled pulling him in the bed with you.

"You're such a sweet heart Louis, you've been so good to me." You leaned into his chest making him smile.


"Liaaaaam!" You whined shifting onto your side. "It's alright my love, it's ok, I got your heating pad plugged in and set up. It's all nice and warmed up." He says gently placing it where your hands were rubbing your stomach.

"Thank you honey. Can you do me another favor? I hope I'm not bothering you too much..." You said whispering the last part.

"No No No, you could never bother me too much. I'm here to take care of you. Tell me what you need."

"Can you massage my boobies, they hurt." You whined starting to tear up. You were always so achey and everything was tender and swollen, on your period.

"Uhh...sure." He sat on the couch behind you and you laid between his legs, lifting up your shirt. He sat there kneading your chest, and rubbing everything for you.

"Thanks so much Li, this feels so nice." You giggled closing your eyes.

"Let me know when everything feels ok, and I'll stop..." He smiled holding back a laugh.

"Liam, do that thing you do when you give me booty rubs." You giggled squirming.

"You mean this?" He leaned down and start kissing and sucking on you, making you happily squeal.

"All better?" He asked making you nod.


You were downstairs making yourself some hot tea when you felt Niall hugging you from behind. You felt a random burst of annoyance when he touched you.

"Get off me." You sniffled going to blow your nose.

"Well...Someone is a grumpy camper." He laughs mixing your tea for you. You came back with the most annoyed look on your face. Niall thought that the angry [Y/N] was a huge turn on. You were the same way with Niall, just not on your period.

"Shut up Niall." You spit, grabbing your mug from him. He started hugging you again, this time rubbing himself on you.

"Stop that Niall. Gosh, you're such a pig. All men are pigs. Always wanting sex, like get out of my face, I don't want you to dick me down every 10 minutes." You tore yourself from him making Niall frown as you went to go sit in the living room. He went and sat next to you and your attitude started to go away. "I'm sorry baby." You say kissing his cheek. "I get moody."

"It's alright [Y/N]. You know, it does things to me when you're mad like that." He chuckled making your hand graze over his sweat pants.

"Stop it Niall. I don't like being horny on my period." You whine removing your hand. Niall laughed at your whiney self, and continued to hug you.

"Don't be lovin on me, that still won't make me suck your dick." You say making him laugh loudly.


You were always a little weak and upset, and all you wanted was for Zayn to pay a lot of attention to you. Needless to say, you were just really needy and clingy, and you were extremely sensitive. He did a good job at taking care of you, he just always had some other work to do.

"Zayyyyn." You whined standing in the doorway of his office. You had your fluffy zebra print blanket wrapped around you, with your bum clothes on underneath.

"What's the matter Mocha?" You absolute loved that nickname. It made you melt when he called you that.

"You ok baby?" He asked turning around in his chair.

"Are you almost done?" You cried.

"It's ok [Y/N], sweetheart, don't cry. I just have to finish this last email and I'll be done for the day. Can you go lay down, and I'll be right there?" He asked. You nodded wiping your tears, and you just ended up going to your room to cry. He sped through the email and immediately went to go cuddle you.

"It's ok, I'm right here. Zayn is right here [Y/N], there's no need to get upset." He chuckled. You were like a little baby on your period. Zayn found it amusing, but at the same time he wanted to make sure you were alright.


"Babe, can you make me something to eat while you here?" You asked.

"Of course. What do you have a taste for?" He asks.

"Everything. I'm not really picky right now....OOO, can you make me a peanut butter and jelly?" You asked as your mouth watered. "And can you put some chips in it, and bring me up a bag of Doritos?"

"Sure." He chuckled. "Go upstairs and lay down while I fix you your weird cravings."

You excitedly ran up the stairs and turned the TV on, waiting for Harry to bring you your lunch. He came up in about 5 minutes.

"Thank you baby, you're the best boyfriend ever." You cooed pinching his cheeks and kissing him everywhere.

"No problem..." He smiled giving you the plate, and your family sized bag of chips. Harry was your best friend on your period. Whenever he did something, you were always so happy and excited.

"Anything else my dear [Y/N]?" He asked.

"Oh no, this is enough for now. Thanks Harry, you know how to make sure a black woman eats." You say taking a bite into your awkward sandwich.

"I like to make sure my girlfriend has what she needs." He chuckled kissing you.

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